Linkedin Job application & Rejection Email from Employers
Raymond Punithan Luccas
Problem Solver - Business Technologist | Consultant | Coach | Strategist
We all have received these emails,
Your update from <<Company Name>>
<<Company Name>>
<<Company Name>> · Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Applied on Feb 12, 2024
Thank you for your interest in the Job-position at <<Company Name>> in Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with your application, but we appreciate your time and interest in <<Company Name>>
<<Company Name>>
Reading from
10 Reasons Why LinkedIn is losing more than just subscribers
Some crucial questions to ponder;
a. But why most of the times, The employers/HR simply reject candidates from Linkedin?
b. has linkedin lost is usefulness in job market, or
c. has it gone too saturated with junk-candidates whom have overshadow the real-candidates.
d. and do we need Profile SEO to get more visibility?
e. and what are the profile components of a successful candidates?
To be Continue.....