LinkedIn Groups
Carol Ellen
Senior Recruiter, Global Talent Acquisition, Electronic Arts| Passionate about 'Belonging'| Former Sony Music and Caldwell Partners
I was about to dive into my Inmails now that we are fully into 2017 and it's time to get caught up (more on that in another post) and thought to take a hard forensic look at my LI profile (more on that in another post).
The ONE thing that struck my attention was that I was, as in past tense now, part of many LI groups. And why? Well given my natural appetite to network and research candidates in different industries I 'just joined' whatever was going on in the moment. This could be related to a search, corporate mandate or personal interest, somewhat la dee da and not very focussed. So I asked myself if this was serving not me however others out there in the world. Truthfully the answer was 'not at all'.
So I have scaled back and curated my groups. I know this is a work in progress and see THAT indeed this was the thing that was niggling at me. I was looking to progress, advance and free up space to create more meaningful relationships both here and offline. In doing so I know that I can serve and offer up much MORE to others.
As a professional recruiter many people ask me to 'review' their resume and albeit that's a step towards career upgrades, etc it's not the only piece. I invite you to contact me directly with your inquiries.