LinkedIn and Email Outreach: The B2B Outbound Success Combination

LinkedIn and Email Outreach: The B2B Outbound Success Combination

2020 has just arrived. Still, wondering what outreach channels you should utilize to achieve your business goals? Wonder no more. The answer is: LinkedIn and Email Outbound outreach (The B2B Outbound Success Combination ).

Why Outbound outreach?

Let’s assume that you want to have control over the lead generation process, right? You try your best with investing your budget in inbound lead generation. This includes allocating resources (people and finance) for creating click-bait ads, or content for SEO, or promotive campaigns. 

Despite all of these efforts, at the end of the day, you spend a lot of time waiting. Waiting for someone to contact you. Waiting for someone to send you a message showing their interest. And waiting is not a strong suit to B2B decision-makers. Time is extremely precious for them. 

At least, an interested prospect will approach you. This cannot classify as a closed deal, because you should first qualify them and along the way to encounter quite a few non-relevant requests. 

Another round of wasted precious time and resources. Another round of frustrations. Inbound lead generation is not a that bad way of generating sales. You just can’t take over the control of how many people will decide to contact you and the level of relevance that goes hand in hand with them.

Why LinkedIn?

The statistic shows that 85% of B2B decision-makers are active members of this social media platform. The odds here are higher than you will connect with your desired target client. Besides, on LinkedIn, Co-executive members are more open to connecting to potential vendors or suppliers.

How can you bring into play the power of LinkedIn?

  • Invent content specially created for this social platform. Don’t just copy the email copy and paste it into LinkedIn. Let’s remember that LinkedIn is mainly used by professionals that expect you to involve in real conversation and chat with them, not just copy-paste your product/service sales pitch; 
  • Save valuable time by utilizing a semi-automatic tool. Don’t even consider doing a completely manual B2B LinkedIn campaign when there are so many tools available that can do the job instead of you. Save up to 90% of your efforts on LinkedIn by setting up the content and filters properly;
  • Try LinkedIn Sales Navigator. The price for the Premium version is around €60, but the options it offers are priceless. You get multiple values for the money you pay.

Despite utilizing LinkedIn as a social media network, as an outbound outreach, you can initiate conversations with potential buyers over other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Xing, etc. 

Facebook, for example, has plenty of groups of people that share similar interests where it is easier than ever before to approach them and start a discussion. But still, pose yourself the question – are they the decision-makers you are looking for?

Why E-mail?

E-mail sequence outreach should be your best companion in achieving an outbound success. If you have filled your database with highly-relevant leads, then you have already done the hardest part of the outbound process. This leaves you with a sale funnel filled with plenty of data you can work with to personalize your email.

The rule here is: Don’t even consider trying to sell on the first email outreach. No B2B companies are that naive to take out their credit card and purchase your solution in a matter of seconds.

Stop for a moment to consider these 3 things:

  • Develop personalized and highly-relevant email copy

Each message should consist of one single goal. It might be very confusing for the reader to have an introduction of yourself and pitching your service in the same message, while you are asking for their pain points a few rows below. It is simply nonsense. This is a reminder that depending on the nature of your offer, you should plan your email copy(s) in advance. If you don’t, they may see your message irrelevant and mark you as spam. Is it really worth it?

  • Set up an email sender automation tool 

Depending on the client, define scheduled times and dates. Even if it is automation, focus to deliver quality, not just quantity of emails.

  • Not everyone, but some of them will respond to your message. 

Hopefully, a percentage of them will show interest to collaborate with you. Some of them will respond negatively and ask you to stop sending them emails. Most of them will just ignore the message and never again open another of your emails.

Why Both?

Why choose one of them when you can have both? Email and LinkedIn are considered the most effective tools for connecting with potential buyers and spreading the message about your company’s service/product. 

A recent statistic by Litmus states: “The average time spent reading a single message (received online) is about 11.1 seconds”. In other words – you have 11.1 seconds to pique a potential client’s interest in what you have to offer. This is why utilizing the power of a multi-platform approach will give you the best chance of success.

Just imagine what would happen if you send highly-relevant and personalized messages via email and on LinkedIn to 250 clients (at least). What are the odds that they will consider your solution an offer worth considering? What if you do this 3 months in a row? Imagine the impact this approach will have on your outbound success? What if I tell you that we can to this LinkedIn and Email outreach instead of you?

Let us help you:

This article was originally published on BizzBee Blog.


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