LinkedIn #CreatorMode Coming Soon?

LinkedIn #CreatorMode Coming Soon?

Here we are at the end of May and still no #CreatorMode. I notoce most of my Microsoft colleagues whether they want it or not have access to it. I also noticed Teammates disappeared from my Network tab (it’s still working as a few of my former Microsoft Teammates appear in my notifications when they post - probably my most used feature of it!)

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Used to have Teammates as one of the options here. I think it disappeared when I finally got LinkedIn Live access!

What is creator mode? It brings a bunch of features that were being tested together like Newsletters (the ability to have a consistent ongoing article that is published on a regular basis), Profile Cover Story (30 second video intro), LinkedIn Live and other features like switching your default action from Connect to Follow.

Ever Seen L.I.O.N. After a Name?

It stands for LinkedIn Open Networker - meaning the person is interested in growing their network with you (whether you have ever interacted or not). Your network on LinkedIn is capped at 30,000 connections, but thousands or even millions can follow you here (and you can follow them). So why not switch this to default? That’s probably the most important change for me and you can do this today in your profile settings!

Here’s to the end of May, Memorial Day in the United States (honoring those that have died serving our country), and to the beginning of June. Eventually I’ll be getting #CreatorMode - and you bet I’ll be leveraging it!


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