LinkedIn changes 'Open to job opportunities' function...but why?
Paul Di Michiel
Career coach | Interview skills coaching | Virtual coaching | LinkedIn profiles | Engaging resumes | Facilitator | Speaker Author & writer | Job search strategies
You may or may not have noticed a recent change on your LinkedIn profile. The LinkedIn section 'Career interests' which was accessible from your profile screen as well as the 'Jobs' screen was recently moved, split and (apparently) simplified. Unfortunately, I don't think it represents an improvement to LinkedIn functionality...
The previous 'Career interests' section allowed you to add a brief note to recruiters (to specify or reinforce issues pertinent to your job search), as well as being able to include unlimited job titles you were interested in. The previous version also allowed you to specify 'where you were' in your job search (e.g. Actively applying; not looking, but open to offers etc.).
The 'new' (and not so improved version) only allows you to add five job titles and five locations and to make things worse, it has split things out such that being able to specify your commute to work (by public transport, car or walking...Really?) is now only accessible from the 'Career interests' link in the 'Jobs' section of LinkedIn. LinkedIn also provides the option for you to allow your connections to see that you are 'Open to job opportunities' (in addition to the more sensible, 'Only recruiters'). I get this if someone is in transition or between jobs, but not if you are working.
Frankly, the changes all feel a little clunky and if it wasn't broke why did they (so badly) 'fix' it?
Anyhow, it is what it is and I would still encourage all my clients in job search to ensure the 'Career interests' and 'Open to job opportunities' sections are completely filled in. Why? It actually gives your job search and ability to be found by recruiters a 'turbo-boost' (and over 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates for jobs). Similarly, your privacy is protected in that recruiters who work with your company (assuming you are working) cannot access your profile and hence if you have applied for other roles. Finally, the 'Open to job opportunities' section remains 'on' for 6 months and then automatically switches 'off' unless you turn it off in the meantime (using the link, 'I'm no longer open').
Paul Di Michiel is an experienced global HR executive and more recently career coach. If you would like assistance with your LinkedIn profile, either individually or for your team or organisation, don't hesitate to contact me. More information about me can be found on my LinkedIn profile, or my website.
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5 年Very helpful Paul and thanks.. I'm now updated and still loving the work in a food industry startup but excited to get back into the corporate world one day soon.