The LinkedIn Advice Column
Dear Thomas,
The workload today was insane. As a UPS employee I have a three car pull. Every truck has large boxes that arrive simultaneously. The numbers are 6, 8 and 10. They are at the top of the belt so there is no reaction time and nowhere to put large boxes without blocking the walk path. What should I do?
Sick of Six
Sick of Six,
It sounds like you work hard and management does not appreciate your contribution while they make far more money than you. The best thing to do is load the packages one or two at a time. Eventually everything is completed and you can take pride in a job well done.
Dear Thomas.
My LinkedIn feed has been littered with polls and solicitations to visit other sites like Clubhouse and Tik Tok. How can I return to the days of communicating with engaging professionals?
Stop Pointing At Words and Talk to the Audience
Dear Stop Pointing....
Those sites are passing fads. People used to treat LinkedIn video like underage drinking. "You are cool if you make videos, uncool if you don't." Who are they to be equal to? If they will only like you if you visit another site that you don't enjoy? They weren't your friends in the first place.
Dear Thomas,
I hear some speak about LinkedIn Groups. Which groups should I join?
Join the Crowd
Dear Join the Crowd,
LinkedIn Groups are around in name only. There is little to no engagement. They were once a free exchange of ideas. What was Sarajevo in 1984 for the Winter Olympics became Sarajevo in the Serb-Croat War.
Dear Thomas,
I am interested in writing articles on LinkedIn. How do I get started?
Need To Publish
Dear Need To Publish,
Articles do not have much reach. It does not matter if few people will read them. You can cultivate ideas and they should enhance conversations in everyday life. Don't expect to be a "Top Voice". That is a popularity contest akin to Monopoly Money. Nice if you are playing the game, colored paper in real life.