Linkedin Ads | Everything You Need to Know to Get Results (Smart Strategies Included)
Are you wondering which Linkedin objective is the most "cost efficient" and "goal achiever" for Linkedin Ads.
Linkedin objectives are in the form of check boxes and bids. It is quite similar to Facebook ads. you can see this objectives when you click on create campaign there you can see multiple options for objectives.
In this article, we will look Linkedin objectives into the important and wider ones to target. If you want to drive audience towards website conversion then you can get it with way cheaper options. I ll tell you in step by step.
Step 1 # Set and engagement objective
In this objective you can pay per click or impression. I ll suggest you to choose pay per click as it has minimum risk than other options available in objectives.
The engagement objective will get optimised with action. For example, like share and comment or to follow website page or to visit page will be set in the objective as per your requirement.
Therefore, engagement objective has been the lowest cost objective among all other options.
Step # 2 Website Visits obejective
In this objective. if you want to get people on your landing page and get "convert" go for website visit objective. Here's an extra Tip# with this objective also you can bid by click on video ads. Which will cost you way less and cheap.
Step# 3 Videos views objective
This options is viable and useful for video creatives but you can bid on the video per click or impression by having option to (convert).
You can estimate cost to pay around $0.06 to $0.14 per 2-second view on LinkedIn Ad. This is obviously much more expensive than Facebook, but again, you’re reaching a very specific, hyper-targeted audience.
I recommend using bid type—cost per view or cost per impression—gets you the cheapest . But there’s another way to potentially optimize this: You can run video creative with the website visits objective and pay only by click.
Run all A/B testing on all three ads side by side in separate LinkedIn campaigns so you will be able to decide which one is the cheapest option among all and beneficial.
Step 4 # Lead Generation Objective
You can choose this option to creating lead generating form of ads, and skip all the landing page experience without any intervention. For this the sponsored ad form or sponsored content will be embedded. This objective can be used for pay per click. It will reduce the risk and can be changed in future as per requirement.
Tip 5# Website conversions objective
It is similar to website visits but except the fact that linkedin can choose to show the Ad on the basis of data and research. They shows the ad who are most likely to convert into customers and optimize according to the scenario. Which is quite useful to ads.
The sponsored content ad format is by far the most versatile. I would recomment to start with the single image version because static images are easy to create, change, and troubleshoot.
If you’re sending traffic to your website, go with the website visits objective. If you want to keep that traffic on LinkedIn and use LinkedIn’s lead gen forms, use the lead generation objective.
Linkedin has released objectives like Facebook but which objective is to choose is not the straight forward answer. Brand awareness objective is similar to engagement the only difference is pay per click and job applicants objective is related to recruiting.
What do you think? Which LinkedIn ad objectives do you typically use? I hope this might get useful for your next Linkedin Ad. Share your thoughts in the comments below.