Be Linked in! And not Linked ou!
Nelson Ferreira Pires
Here are only personal opinions, not of my company - Personal page
Some days ago, I was talking with a friend, Calton is his name, and he was mad about linkedin, mentioning that it was becoming "facebook" for professionals... He is a heavy user of LinkedIn for professional reasons, to identify people, business opportunities, news, increase his notoriety and his business awareness, among others! Being honest, I couldn′t catch the final objective of his coment, but I didn′t wanted to seem stupid, so I listened carefully to all his coments:
- You can never really know what someone is doing, done in the past, actual function, experience or whatsoever... Because what you see in the short resumée is aspirations. So in LinkedIn everibody is entrepeneur, international speaker, influencer, motivator, networker, or something else even more fantastic! When in reality it is a salesperson, that is a very effective a notoriuous functions, honorable and moreover something that you can really trust and benchmark!!!
- It would be very positive to see more articles and business toughts of people that we have links, so that more than formal connections, we may be aware of people quality if we need to recomend someone.
-Some people feeds a lot of data but a low volue of interesting information...
-And many other critics that I could not track at this moment...
In my opinion LinkedIn is a professional , social, or whatsoever network! Always we have to bear in mind that our public image is what we want to make of it, so if we want to look like someone that likes to spend time wasting others time feeding unusefull things, do it; presenting features and competences you don′t have (that you would like to have), do it! LinkedIn is made of people with a very good technological background. So we should use the best way possible. And if you don′t like my article, please send your critics to my friend, Calton (lol)…