Linkage between GOP and RF paranoia over Population size. i.e. Russia invades Ukraine for people, and GOP tries to outlaw abortion for more people

Linkage between GOP and RF paranoia over Population size. i.e. Russia invades Ukraine for people, and GOP tries to outlaw abortion for more people

Lets first get to the great Russian Freak out over dwindling population and why it invaded Ukraine. i.e. see this


Today, Russia defines its national security by the size of its population, not the extent of its landmass. Putin understands that, in the world of tomorrow, Russia will be a territorial giant and population dwarf. Russia’s population will not only be much smaller than the populations of India, China, or the United States but also one-half of Ethiopia’s and one-third of Nigeria’s. For Putin, this population decline translates into an irreversible loss of power. As he stated in 2020, “Russia’s destiny and its historic prospects depend on how numerous we will be.”

In a way, Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine was an admission of the failure of his various pro-natalist policies designed to increase the country’s population, particularly the Slavic core of its population. After a series of attempts to increase the country’s fertility rate (including exemption from military service for any man with four children and generous financial incentives for larger families) and to extend the life expectancy of the Russian population, the Russian president seems to have concluded that the only way to achieve a sizable increase in his population is by annexing and subordinating ethnically and culturally related neighbors, by force if necessary. As Eberstadt told the Wall Street Journal: “The most successful population program that the Kremlin has had has been annexing neighboring territories, not increasing the birthrate.” By incorporating Crimea into the Russian Federation in 2014, Putin added around 2.4 million (mostly) ethnic Russians to his country’s population.

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And demographics is why we see this GOP freak out over Amendment 3,. i.e. less CAUCASIAN babies, and all that. i.e. ground zero for the freak out is MISSOURI. and here we go...


Amendment 3, which won with 51.7% of the nearly 3 million votes cast, goes into effect on Dec. 5. At that point lawmakers won’t be allowed to restrict abortion prior to fetal viability, generally seen as the time toward the end of the second trimester when a fetus can survive outside the womb without extraordinary medical interventions.?

The amendment also protects “the right to make and carry out decisions about all matters relating to reproductive health care, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, birth control, abortion care, miscarriage care and respectful birthing conditions.”

During a Lee’s Summit Chamber candidate forum in late October, Patterson said while he didn’t support Amendment 3, the legislature should respect the voters’ will if it passed.?

“It will be the law of the land,” he said at the time. “And we have to go forward as the people decide.

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So what does Sparks do to counter act Amendment 3?


But Sparks believes an abortion amendment will successfully be pushed through in the 2025 session.?

He plans to “tackle Amendment 3” by pre-filing a constitutional amendment that would provide voters an opportunity to vote to put further restrictions on abortion.

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BY any means necessary, the name of the game is the same. i.e. get MORE people for cannon fodder as wanted by both the GOP and Vladimir Putin. ie more cannon fodder for the supremos to work with

Andrew Beckwith, PhD




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