Linguistic Alchemy: Weaving Thoughts with Words.
"In the dance of language, we are both choreographers and dancers, sculpting thoughts and feelings with words. The beauty lies not just in the expression but in the intricate artistry that shapes the very fabric of our minds."
This week, I once again found myself immersed in the fascinating world of corporate workshops, this time in some city in some country, collaborating with the managers of yet another global company. These sessions, a near-weekly ritual for me, seamlessly blend into my roster of activities, which includes delivering keynotes, offering sagacious advice to select clubs, and, lest we forget, the grand art of writing—the very activity that brought you to these words. People often pose the question: keynotes, workshops, coaching, or writing – what do I prefer? I lack a definitive answer, and for good reason. I don't make a choice because, you see, each endeavor complements the others, and my unique blend, coupled with a lengthy business background, makes me, if I may say so, a bit of a standout. Not that I'm boasting – I'm far from perfect, but the pursuit of improvement keeps the energy flowing. And within this eclectic mix, I find ample space to express my love for language, culture, and the fine art of storytelling.
Now, onto the workshop. In one of the exercises, a recurring theme takes center stage – the subject of my latest literary endeavor: "nieuwsgierigheid" in Dutch and its somewhat lackluster counterpart, "curiosity" in English. The book will hit the market and I hope your mind and business soul in Spring 2024.
The linguistic acrobatics of the Dutch language, offering a richer tapestry to explore the concept of 'curiosity,' swiftly becomes the pièce de résistance of this newsletter: language is context, and context is the name of the game. Apparently, we Westerners have a penchant for defining things based on their mere existence, while our Eastern counterparts prefer to define things based on their presence and interaction with the context. Thank you, Nisbett, for that enlightening lesson from 'Geography of Thought.' It turns out that Westerners engage in a rather staccato form of thinking – start-stop-start-stop, while Easterners flow in the endless river of fluidity. I, dear reader, am an atypical Westerner; I am (like) a fish and I love the streaming water I revel in thinking in context, the famed "outside-in thinking" merely being another term for this context-driven philosophy.?
So, why does the Dutch word "nieuwsgierig" (historically "nieuwsgerig") tickle my linguistic fancy more than its English counterpart, "curiosity"? Well, it's a delightful blend of "nieuws" (news) and " begerig" (being eager for it). Quite a captivating combo, isn't it? Unfortunately, the English translation loses this nuance, and that's a bit of a downer because my current literary opus, penned in both English and Dutch (for reasons only the muse understands), aims to delve into the intricacies of this beautiful fusion in "nieuwsgierigheid." Language, my friend, undeniably molds our thinking.
"Langue molds our thinking," quipped a participant in last week's workshop when tasked with pondering over curiosity and ways to amp it up. As I made the rounds, eavesdropping on each group's musings, diversity was a common thread on their lists. When probed further, factors such as gender, origin, religion, etc., emerged. And then, a gem of a participant dropped the bomb: "language."
This newfound linguistic enlightenment brought a twinkle to my eye. Finally, after all these years, a kindred spirit in language appreciation! During the grand sharing session, where each group unveiled their findings, I, the benevolent guide, regaled all with an illustrative example of language's power. I had kicked off the day with a keynote, preaching about the inability to predict the future and the need to prepare for it. In this linguistic quirk, Dutch lacks the clear distinction between "everything" (alles) and "anything" (alles). The English-speaking participants, their brows furrowed, questioned how one could lack such a basic distinction in language.
Why this sudden contemplation on the impact of language, you ask? Ah, the muses have me juggling two books these days. Today's literary endeavor bears the working title "Letters to my Great-Grandchildren."
These missives serve as delightful fodder for my ruminations, enriching my tales and insights for both the grand stages of keynotes and the intimate circles of workshops. In these letters, I project myself into the year 2053, at the ripe age of 90, with my great-grandchildren mirroring the age of my grandchildren in 2023. Three phases of 30 years each encapsulate my journey – 30 during the internet revolution in 1993 and 60 now, witnessing the grand spectacle of AI. These letters compel me to decode seemingly commonplace concepts of our era for the bewildered minds of a different time. Consider, for instance, the absurdity of the adjective 'digital' in a fully digitized world or the baffling distinction between 'online' and 'offline' in a realm where the two seamlessly intertwine. And oh, let's not forget the bygone era of 'tech companies,' a term used when there were still others not entirely driven by the allure of big data, AI and autonomy to collect, process and activate data into actionable insight into value for the customer.
I must regale them with tales of our folly in labeling the online realm as 'virtual,' rendering it a lawless Wild Wild West. This lawlessness, alas, birthed the Great Global Civil Wars of 2027-2033, leading to the dramatic apprehension of luminaries like Zuckerberg, Musk, and cohorts. The aftermath witnessed the rewriting of internet protocols and the birth of the New Universal Declaration of Human Internet Rights in 2035.
In the midst of waxing eloquent in Dutch about the reasons behind those Civil Wars and their root cause – the so-called social platforms of 2023 driving a wedge in "de samenleving" (the living-together-ness) – it struck me: it killed the “samen” (together) in “samenleving”. The English equivalent, 'society,' fell short in encapsulating that essence. In the act of writing, I found myself grappling with the limitations of the English language in playing with those two components to convey precisely what I intended.
In conclusion, this workshop experience and the ongoing literary exploration underscore the intricate relationship between language, thought, and societal evolution. Language, as both a vehicle for expression and a shaper of thoughts, holds the power to facilitate understanding or erect subtle barriers that mold our perceptions. Recognizing and navigating these linguistic nuances are essential for fostering genuine curiosity, collaboration, and shared understanding in our interconnected world. Language, in all its richness and subtlety, is the medium through which we not only express but also format the very essence of our thoughts. So, let's ponder: What does it mean to think, communicate, and understand in the ever-shifting tapestry of language?
?? Spreker over Woest Aantrekkelijk Werkgeverschap: Bevlogen teams, bevlogen leiderschap, bevlogen cultuur als sleutel tot succes.
1 年Ik krijg altijd boze blikken bij reukwolkjes.
Lead scientist @ Poolstok
1 年En toch is taal, in al haar wonderlijke glorie, een verre van perfect (ambigue), redelijk eng (smalle bandbreedte, enkele woorden voor rijke concepten) en serieel (woord voor woord) medium. Zonder de connectie met de ‘werkelijkheid’ is taal betekenisloos. Het is in feite de werkelijkheid die onze gedachten (cognitieve processen/denken) vorm geeft die taal vormgeven. Het is niet de taal die gedachten vormgeeft, het is de werkelijkheid achter/in die taal die dit doet. Het merendeel van menselijke kennis kan trouwens niet verbaal worden uitgedrukt. Nominatieve (labels) data zijn het laagste niveau van data. Ik zeg dit niet zomaar, want heel wat constructies uit de bedrijfswereld (niet in het minst in HR) ontlenen hun legitimiteit aan hun plaats in een nominatief netwerk (construct validiteit). Helaas beseffen te weinig mensen hoe problematisch dit is. Doch, dit als een terzijde bij een voor het overige begeesterende tekst ;-)
Wat heerlijk, dit! Ik kan je liefde voor en nieuwsgierigheid naar woorden en taal alleen maar delen, Rik. Ik ben benieuwd naar je beide boeken!
AI Business Applications GTM Leader, Microsoft Europe Middle East & Africa
1 年If I'm not mistaken curiosity is derived from the Latin word 'cura', loosely translated 'to care for'. To me, if you're curious about something, you for sure care about it... This might add an additional layer on the NCS ??
Connector of Talent and Success ?? | Empowering Businesses to Thrive through People | Culture Growth Strategist | Coach | Writer | HR leader | Kickstarting the Year as Top Linkedin creator ?? (#1 HR)
1 年Rik geweldig - Het belang van taal in je bericht spreekt mij zeer aan. In mijn HR-wereld zien we ook hoe taal en terminologie van invloed zijn op onze perceptie van werkrelaties, bedrijfscultuur en talentmanagement – het verschil makend tussen saamhorigheid en onenigheid. Ik ben een groot voorstander van voortdurende gesprekken binnen organisaties om onze gemeenschappelijke 'HR-taal' te verfijnen en te zorgen dat het aansluit bij onze kernwaarden en medewerkers. Deze 'HR-taal' moet ook continu aangepast worden te midden van het digitale tijdperk Blijven schrijven zou ik zeggen.