Linear actuators and absolute encoders
Mario Zecchin
From Motion Control Applications to Digital Sales, creating Technical Webinars, e-Learning and Trainings.
Linear actuators are combinations of rotary motors and screws. FAULHABER realized a complete family of linear geared actuators where a gearhead is used to increase the motor torque and thus the thrust force on the nut.
A standard linear actuator can be operated by a DC motor with incremental encoder, or a brushless motor with digital Hall sensors and incremental encoder, or a stepper motors with or without encoder. At every power-ON, the linear actuator must run several turns to move the nut in the reference position, this operation is also known as Homing. Depending on the application complexity, the Homing operation at every power-ON is time consuming.
The FAULHABER AEMT12/16L multi-turn absolute encoder makes homing with linear actuators a thing of the past.?
The AEMT multi-turn absolute encoder can be combined with brushless motors from 22mm diameter and provides the absolute position as a digital value, in number of full turns together with the single turn position value.
Communication is standard BiSS-C, with each bit sent in synchronism with a clock provided by the control electronics.?
A simple combination of a multi-turn absolute encoder with a brushless motor and a lead screw (or ball screw) provides a powerful and compact linear actuator where homing is not required.