The Limits of Personality Development in Coaching: A Critical Analysis
Gerd M?ller, MD, PhD, Health Economist
Purpose-driven Medical Leader in Biopharmaceuticals, passionate about improving access to Healthcare and building Trust. #MedicalAffairsEnthusiast. #MentorCoach. Final ABPI Medical Signatory experience. P&G Alumnus.
## Abstract
This article critically examines the widespread claim of coaches to be able to develop their clients' personalities. It illuminates the scientific foundations of personality psychology, the stability of personality traits, and the realistic possibilities for change within the framework of coaching interventions. Finally, recommendations are given for a more precise and ethical presentation of the goals and possibilities in coaching.
## 1. Introduction
In the coaching industry, it is not uncommon for providers to advertise the possibility of "personality development". However, this claim raises scientific and ethical questions that deserve closer examination. This article analyzes why the goal of personality development in coaching can be seen as problematic and what more realistic alternatives exist.
## 2. Scientific Foundations of Personality
### 2.1 Definition of Personality
In psychology, personality is understood as the sum of relatively stable individual characteristics that characterize a person's behavior, thinking, and feeling across time and situations (Asendorpf & Neyer, 2012).
### 2.2 The Five-Factor Model (Big Five)
The most widely accepted model of personality is the Five-Factor Model or "Big Five" (McCrae & Costa, 1999). It includes the following dimensions:
1. Extraversion
2. Neuroticism
3. Agreeableness
4. Conscientiousness
5. Openness to Experience
These factors have proven to be cross-cultural and temporally stable in numerous studies (McCrae et al., 2000).
## 3. Stability and Changeability of Personality
### 3.1 Genetic Influence
Twin studies have shown that about 40-60% of the variance in personality traits can be attributed to genetic factors (Bouchard & Loehlin, 2001). This substantial genetic component suggests limited changeability.
### 3.2 Environmental Influences and Critical Phases
Early childhood and adolescence are particularly formative phases for personality development. Attachment experiences in the first years of life and socialization processes in adolescence have a lasting influence (Fraley & Roberts, 2005).
### 3.3 Stability in Adulthood
Longitudinal studies show that personality becomes increasingly stable from early adulthood onwards (Roberts & DelVecchio, 2000). Although gradual changes are possible over the lifespan, the extent and speed of changes decrease with increasing age.
## 4. Coaching and Personality Development: A Critical Examination
### 4.1 Time Frame of Coaching Interventions
Typical coaching processes involve 10-20 hours over several months (Grant, 2016). This relatively short time span contrasts with the long-term processes that would be necessary for significant personality changes.
### 4.2 Comparison with Psychotherapy
Even intensive, long-term psychotherapies, often taking place over years, show only moderate effects on personality traits (Roberts et al., 2017). It is therefore unrealistic to assume that coaching interventions could achieve comparable or stronger effects.
### 4.3 Focus on Attitudes and Behaviors
Coaching can be effective when it focuses on changing attitudes, behaviors, and specific skills (Theeboom et al., 2014). These aspects are more flexible and can be influenced in the short term, unlike fundamental personality traits.
## 5. Ethical Considerations and Recommendations
### 5.1 Transparency and Realistic Expectations
Coaches should communicate transparently what is realistically achievable within the framework of their interventions. Using the term "personality development" can create misleading expectations and should be avoided.
### 5.2 Focus on Personal Development
Instead, coaches should speak of "personal development" or "fostering personal resources". These terms encompass the realistic goals such as improving self-reflection, problem-solving skills, and specific competencies.
### 5.3 Differentiation between Attitudes and Personality
It is important to clarify the difference between attitudes and personality traits. Attitudes are more flexible and can be effectively addressed in coaching processes (Ajzen, 2001).
## 6. Conclusion
The assumption that coaching can significantly contribute to personality development is not scientifically tenable and potentially misleading. Instead, coaches should focus on promoting personal development by working on attitudes, behaviors, and specific competencies. This more precise and ethical presentation of the possibilities of coaching contributes to the professionalization of the field and creates realistic expectations among clients.
## References
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