Limits Are Only In The Mind.

Limits Are Only In The Mind.

Limits Are Only In The Mind. 


Limits I am sure this is a very common word for all of us isn’t it??

This is one word we need to get rid of from our mind and everything we do in our life do you all know why? Let me start by telling you what is the exact definition of limits.

Limits: A point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass, definition from goggle search.

Do you all see the exact definition so it can be summarized or rephrased in this way?

Limits Are a Point or level in which we might not be able to pass, but in terms of life limits there are no limits because you have the right to choose how successful you want to be without anyone stooping you anyone who says otherwise are just trying to make an excuse- By RJW'15

I remember whenever I would like to share with people about my story and sharing about breaking the limits because there are no limits,they mostly give an excuse saying that Richie I have my own limitations in my life I want to succeed but all this limits are preventing me from being a success.

I ask them, limitations?  Can you tell me what limits you actually have? because I have always belief there are no limits in this world  regarding to what people can do in the world because limits are only in the mind, they start telling me about their lack in self belief, they are scared in taking risk and scared of disappointment among their friends and families, I discuss about this with a lot of people seeing that they all gave similar answers I realize that my point was correct, I gave them an answer that got them thinking, I said if what you are saying to me is true then you just prove my point about limits being only in the mind, if the problem is self belief, taking risk and disappointment then the problem is not your limits but the problem is you have not taken the first step in believing in yourself and what you can do, in this world the only limits that are there are the limits that we put in our mind which means the limits that we think of, imagine if you live your life without any type of limits.

Where would go? How far will you reach? The answer is in you and the best part is when you have no limits in you,then you can be whatever you want and you can reach as high as you want, because physiologically the human mind will follow whatever the person thinks is right that in your mind will become the truth so if you tell yourself that you have limits, you cannot go the extra mile or you have a believe that you cannot do it because of your limitations you will not achieve much things in your life, because your mind will process your thoughts as truth, if it was the opposite don’t you think it will be different?, of course it will if you tell yourself that you have no limits in this world and you have a belief in yourself then what will happen is while you work in whatever you do, you can set up things faster and you will open up more opportunities for yourself to achieve more things, isn’t that better? I can tell you in reality this is how it is suppose to be there are so many successful people in this world and all of them have a belief in their minds that there is no limits as to how far they can go, because of their mindset and there thinking habits that is how they become successful like for example,

.   1. Mark Zuckerburg
2.    Bill Gates

They are so famous and successful that I don’t have to write Down what Company they have created and founded because all of you know the answer, relating to How all of you can see that when you have love+passion you get inner satisfaction, but that will not be much if you don’t have this, No Limits+Self Believe= Masterpiece, if you have both of this in your mind then you will certainly go beyond your average limits, because a person who has a belief in his or her self is the kind of person who can step up and make things happen and eventually if you have both the mindset of a person who does not belief in limits and has self belief in him or herself, then in the eyes of the people you are noticed as a Masterpiece and people will want to be like you and you will open up a lot more opportunities for yourself, when you become a masterpiece which knows what it is you want to do with your life with the right knowledge and mindset you will become unstoppable, now that is going to be the key to make sure that limits are completely out of your mind the first step is to believe in yourself, 2nd step is to realize that limits are only in the mind but still there is something else that is very important 1 word that I often use ‘’Action’’, action is a very interesting word, but more importantly the reason I brought this up is because if you don’t do any action after getting to know about your passion or your change of belief then there will be nothing for you to achieve because without action what can you achieve the answer is nothing at all! 

The reason i was able to change and be a better version of myself through the limits mindset is because i had nothing stopping me from reaching as high as i can, in the old days ‘’limits’’ is like a wall for me that i cannot get through and when i got rid of that wall i was able to break my own limits that is the reason why if you don’t get it out of your mind you will not be able to make your way to success.

     Richie Jimmy Walia, ACS, ALB 2015 ?

Bachelor Student. Financial Planner. Life Insurance Specialist. Entrepreneur. Toastmaster Triple Crown Member. Speaker. Coach. Leader. Soon To Be Published Author of :

"Move Beyond Your Average Limits".



  • Love+Passion= Inner Satisfaction.

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