Limits to Medicine by Ivan Illich
Simon Aloyts
ex Radio Shack VCR specialist & 8th grade science fair champion. ∞2 connections (2 of whom I know) {books; weights; cheese; data geek stuff; the key; the whole key; and nothing but the key so help me Codd;}
Never in my life did I imagine I'd be nodding along while reading the work of that Austrian Corporal...wait...Austrian Catholic priest who counts amongst his influences Paulo Freire, the chief promoter of critical pedagogy. So in the very short list of my being wrong about stuff: +1.
Published almost 50 years ago, the good Father predicted so much of what modern medicine has become. This modern health (pill) factory was always in the works in typical consolidation and cost-reduction but made painfully obvious over the last 4 years.
He defines and exposes "iatrogenesis" and even though he is not as keen in this later edition of his work, defines health in a way with which I agree completely: the intensity of autonomous coping with internal stresses.
He chillingly discusses the intolerability of what was once known as "healthy" and thus redefined as: "unvaccinated" , health "equity", "green" revolution(s), quackery and so many other horrible things from just the last few years that I needed several breaks and a fainting couch.
The so-called greening has already racked the testosterone and muscle density of those identifying as men so liver is next I guess. That which we have not already racked with EtOH anyway.
Finally, with apologies to the good Father, the "clinic" has not turned into a laboratory. It was designed as one. Read this. NOW!
In case the US$14.99 is too expensive for you, you can d/l the whole thing here:
but first read Mr. Illich's '75 article: "Clinical damage, medical monopoly, the expropriation of health: Three dimensions of iatrogenic tort" - (YIKES)