No Limits….
Everyone has boundaries, those physical and emotional frontiers that we use to delineate our individuality and mark out the limits beyond which others are not allowed to trespass. It’s considered perfectly healthy to set boundaries within our working conditions as well as within our personal lives. We want to avoid the risk of unwanted or inappropriate intrusion, exploitation or discomfort. It makes sense. But this cultural artefact might be interfering in one area of our lives that deserves to be expressed without limits, conditions or barriers. Can you guess what it might be?
The one commodity that is limitless in nature and so rich in its potential is the priceless treasure of unconditional love. Why it should be so rare in our world when it is so freely available might strike you as odd. This is the most powerful force for healing and restoring balance to the human condition that we can encounter and we search in vain for its magic because we have been offered a version of love that is largely superficial, conditional and disappointingly limited.
Social media bombard our senses with images of romantic love that bear no resemblance to the reality of complete and unconditional acceptance. Yet, unconditional and absolute love has been recognised for thousands of years as the purest expression of the deeper self. It’s a natural extension of who we really are. Hidden beneath layers of insecurity. Concealed behind defensive barriers of fear. Buried so deeply within our hearts that we can live an entire lifetime without being aware of its magical presence. Loving completely is the key to freeing ourselves from the shallow and superficial conditioning that shapes our belief of what we can expect from a relationship. Daring to love without secretly adding a debt to the private leger of emotional exchanges. Opening our hearts to the mysteries of our deeper potential.? Freeing ourselves from the dissatisfaction of failed connections. Unconditional love challenges everything our minds have constructed to prevent us from experiencing fulfilment. Today is the perfect moment to discover the limitless power within you. Let unconditional love set you free.?