Limits Are To Be Challenged.
You should never let anything defy you. If you really want it, push your limits to each and every possibility.
Setting up goals might be the first step for achieving your goals but overcoming your fear and making sure you just don’t accomplish the goal but also a step ahead of where you thought you would be.
Many of you often claims that ‘I never actually got the right time or right resources to do this or to do that‘, my question to them is did you try? Did you give all of it? If yes then you really didn’t try too hard and if no then it is completely your fault, if you wanted it, you should have gone beyond your limits. Provoke your hurdles to bring out the best in you rather than limiting you.
Challenges will always be there in your life. Challenges are just prisons towards your path, not life sentences, they might bring you down for a moment but how you go out of the prison with clean chit depends on your deeds, your struggle, your dedication.
You should Bounce Back when it comes to stimulating your boundaries just as the guns trigger, it pushes you back with the same force it pushes the gun out.
Boundaries are not set just mentally but physically too. I have seen people not just sacrificing their sleep but going way beyond just to see the perfect picture of the future they have framed in their head come live one day. In the end my friend, it’s all about the efforts you put in, everything else is just the side rocks, they can be sided if you are motivated enough to achieve it.
The destination is not too hard to reach if you are totally focused. Never limit yourself. Let the challenge bring out the best in you. Challenge your goal that no matter what, no matter how but you will get it one day.