Widley Marcelin
Supply Chain Business Analyst | Economist | Self- Published Author of 6
There is a lot of documentation with this title. It’s an appealing word; people might have used to see this title, it can refer to a book, a movie, and music. Each one of them is different from the others. That’s not necessary means that they have the same content. People sometimes adopt some words to their reality but at the end of the day, they tend to project the same image under different colors. While writing this article I’m reading a book titled Limitless, and it’s a book much more about some kind of financial freedom.
I watched a movie where the principal character was Bradley Cooper; this movie had this same name. It was a different story it’s still related to some kind of power related to money but by digging deeper inside of this movie we would see that there’s much more going into it.
At the end of the day, all of us can be limitless at some point in our life at something. Ultimately we’ll be limitless when we will discover our boundaries; we can only discover our limit by measuring our duties and desire on the scale of the level of our stress and fear. The higher our level of stress and fear are getting the less they are willing to keep acting. We become limitless when we are able to overcome those stress and fears and go beyond what we think would generate those fear and the incapable mindset.
Limitless could mean what?
The basic definition of this word would be without limit. This brings us to another question. What’s a limit?
The concept Limit is used in mathematics to describe some calculus and help in the definition of continuity, derivatives, and integrals. But in simple words, it could be an estimation of the value which a function would approach.
In geography limit could represent the frontier of a country, this is the end of territory. It could be a separation that might help people distinguishes two countries.
In research scientist usually, use limit to describe parts that they fail to explain in their study. It’s an agreement that they can’t explain everything in any type of subject they might want to show that they do manage and are expert in.
Everywhere and everyone seem to accept that they have some boundaries that they can’t go beyond them. In my point of view, those acceptations are what keep people in slavery or ordinary. Extraordinary could be achieved by refusing those limits that our weaknesses don’t allow us to break. Extraordinary people always try to go beyond limits if they fail at least they have tried to break them. One of the reasons why some people are successful it’s because they didn’t allow a limit to define their (x) function. I always like mentioning Elon Musk; He’s one my favorite model and a living rock star in science, conceptualization, invention, and entrepreneurship.
Let’s see what bright minds and successful people would say about limit:
“If you embrace that the things that you can do are limitless, you can put your ding in the universe. You can change de world”. Tim Cook
“Waste is worse than loss. The time is coming when every person who lays claim to ability will keep the question of waste before him constantly. The scope of thrift is limitless”. Thomas A. Edison
Being limitless requires a very strong mindset. The reason why it’s necessary to have the iron mindset it’s because it’s true that those limits exist and you’ll have to not only face them but also those people who accept them and don’t want any other to destroy those limits. Elon life story is full of example of people trying to stop him from greatness and from being limitless. Some of them were those who fail in trying to go beyond the limits but as they fail they gave up on their dream but instead of standing fully by the side of someone who wants to prove that they had an achievable dream they stand in front of him to avoid his success.
Another point is that being limitless requires you to be selfish, being selfish by focusing on what you want to achieve, the goal that is fixed and always visualize it in front of you. Sometimes we are so focused on the limit or those naysayers who should exist that we even forget what the real goal is and we start caring about what people may say even though people don’t even see or care about us. Sometimes we create our limit some other times we are our own limit. In this situation, one thing to do is to reset our mindset and restart by finding a new orientation in the right direction.
In history, we might find a bunch of examples of people who were thinking outside of the box some of them were considered an outcast but the real definition of the realizations of those human were accompanied by the adjective “Limitless”.
My personal goal is to become limitless. I studied Economics but I don’t want to define my limit through economic stuff, I wanted to push those limits away by learning not only skills but competencies in Programming, writing, thinking and strategies that are useful to help bring in any form of success in my life and the life of those in my community and much more for the entire world.
This topic is not about me, it’s about us. It’s the reason why I don’t need to stop on giving examples of those who push boundaries away, they all have already done it and some others are on the way to do it. But you and I, we are the targeted ones right now. We just have to ask ourselves: What to do to get to our next level together. Where will we be at the end of the day? What do we have to achieve ultimately? It’s basically our big and exact questions if we want to do it together. Let’s be Limitless.
Let’s close our brainstorming with this contextual quote:
“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it then I can achieve it” Jesse Jackson
Widley Marcelin