Limitless Soul
Book: “The Limitless Soul: Hypno-Regression Case Studies into Past, Present, and Future Lives” by Bryn Blankinship,Llewellyn Publications, 2019.
Book Review by Mary Mikawoz
Book available June 8, 2019
I just completed reading the book. I found it fascinating. I always love stories of past-life reincarnations. It is amazing to find who is searching and for what information. Often, we search for why certain people are in our lives or not. We search for our meaning and purpose of life which is often based on what we have done in previous lifetimes. Personally, I believe that those who are prodigies at a young age are simply focussing in on gifts and personal talents they had in previous lifetimes.
Bryn Blankinship worked with Dr. Michael Newton who pioneered much of this work of life after life and in between lives. His books “Journeys of Souls”and “Destiny of Souls” was written more in a dialogue way as it was recorded. It is a conversation that goes back and forth between the person doing the hypnosis and the one who is under. I, for this reason, expected Bryn Blankinship's books to be of a similar format but it is not. Bryn writes as if it were a story. I am not sure which method is better as both ways have merit.
I thought I found a discrepancy in the book as there is a client who has had two lifetimes overlapping one another. I thought “Ah ha, it is wrong” but I have since learned while reading on that there is such a thing as parallel lives where a soul splits into dual lives at once. It is hard to do and takes a lot of energy and is usually done only by advanced souls.
I found this book an easy and interesting read. What one does in between lives is fascinating. To me, it is as if you go to Heaven and deal with your Soul Council. It may not be “Heaven” but it is a place of white lights, positive energy and goodness. All one has to do there is to think the thought and the message is automatically transferred without the need for speech.
People will meet their Spirit Guides who have been with them in many previous lifetimes. They have been there to guide you in your daily life here and now. The person who has died needs to deal with the Soul Advisory Council. This consists of wise beings who have not incarnated and are able to see the big picture as we deal with each and every lifetime.
There is also a healing area where people/souls go to reintegrate being back to a soul that is functional and back to normal. Negative energies are taken away and healed.
There are no accidents. People are where they need to be. If you are reading this book review, it is not an act of coincidence but one of synchronicity.
I recommend this book as a good basis to learn about reincarnation and past-life regressions. There are also some helpful exercises in the book.
Tags: hypno-regression, case studies, past, present, future, spiritual, Spirituality, Past-life regression, Life between Lives, Heaven, God, Jesus, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Soul Advisory Council, souls, energies, Mary Mikawoz, Mikawoz, Book Review