Be Limitless.... Be Beyond Boundaries
Quanum Leap Thinking

Be Limitless.... Be Beyond Boundaries

I grew up in an Indian middle class family & continue to be in this class -all thanks to Tomatoes touching 290/- per KG. I have already issued issued instructions to the cook-she is issued half a tomato daily that is to put in the dishes that will be made for the day. The war system of rationing is on :).

You must be thinking that this is a political post on the what is happening around us in terms of unemployment, rising prices, inflation, communal clashes but No!! All this is not new. Infact if the public memory serves us right. We faced the same predicament with Onions, Petrol, politically motivated events carried out at large. This is what is that keeps happening as normal and shapes our thinking.

Being from the Indian Middle Class family, I was bought up to live life as if it is a struggle & was contantly told that the only way one goes through it is to toil hard. But there were no guarantee and we were all taught to survive. There was no encouragement to dream because that was considered as a luxury.

All solutions to life were mundane, conservative & stood test of time . For example taking up careers-It was no brainer that world at large wanted males to be doctors, engineers while women were instructed to take up Teaching. All this though process was centered with the belief that there are boundaries which cannot be broken by normal human beings unless they had loads of money, heritage of riches or powerful ancestory(by virtue of being in powerful roles that run the country).

Times changed and we soon realised that many situations in life warrant us to look beyond boundaries and operate for personal or organisational effectiveness. This gave birth to the phrase " Think Out Of The Box". There was so much hype around it, the new pattern of interviewers started identifying talent who can do this i.e think out of box. It simply means that we operate in a way that has not been done earlier. This does break fantastic results for the person or organisation. There are many examples of individuals or businesses that adopted this way of thinking to get awesome outcomes.

We will soon be landing our Chandrayaan at moon, thus the times have changed. Therefore our approaches to find solutions need to change too. We need to question the well establish dogmas. Like here I am urging you all to think as if "There Is No Box". What would happen then, won't every thing be fluid, effortless & seamless.

What is the need to define boundaries, limits-they are just perceptions of the person thinking about them. Why do children achieve impossible tasks like jumping from stairs, heights, jumping in pool while logic says they will fail, injure or may even have fatal casuality. They do it becuase they see no boxes/limits. Only other person who can achieve similiar feat is a DRUNK person as he/she forgets that there are limits. Thats the reason you see drunk person performing unnatural stunts while being in the drunken state and complain next day of pains when they come back to ground zero(this was on a lighter note- not at all encouraging drunken behaviour :D ) .

This is the power of removing the box and quantum leap thinking promotes this. It is not easy but possible and realisable . Getting what one wants & dreams is possible the easy way too. Thus lets endeavour to live our life limitless and teach our kids to have no boundaries to achieve unprecedented success in their lives.

I am now returning to check if my cook stuck to half a tomato and not used the full one :) :D ;)

#quantumleapthinking #majorrajneeshdhar #lifelessons


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