Limiting Hood Openings: A Bad Idea

Limiting Hood Openings: A Bad Idea

Hoods are expensive to purchase, expensive to install, and horrendously expensive to operate. As a result, numerous approaches have been used over the years to try and reduce their costs or at least keep them manageable. Few of these ideas have worked as well as their designers and inventors wished (or at least touted widely). The worst, by far, approach is also the easiest. Limit the size of the opening of the hood.

Limiting the amount that a horizontal sash can be opened is usually easy and straightforward. You simply add more doors. With two doors in two tracks only 50% of the hood can be open at any one time. This results in a significant energy saving. If you want further savings, you might consider three doors in two tracks so only 33% of the hood can be open at any one time. (Both examples assume the hood doors are uniformly sized. If not, the figures change but the principles remain the same.) It costs some money to purchase the hood this way or some money to modify the hood, but the savings usually produce an incredibly fast payback (oven within a few months.) I have seen viable hoods with 5 doors and only 20% open at any one time resulting in an 80% reducing in ventilation. (Or 5 hoods for every one without the extra doors.)

Limiting the amount that a vertical sash, a much more common alternative, can be opened is much more difficult. Four approaches are common:

1.      Purchase a custom hood with a smaller opening.

2.      Modify the hood to limit the opening by putting a fixed piece of glass (or more often Plexiglas or Lexan) over some of the hood opening to reduce the size and energy requirements.

3.      Installing a mechanical stop to prevent the vertical sash from opening more than a fixed amount. This fixed opening is less than the full hood opening.

4.      Providing a marker or sign indicating the maximum height the vertical sash is to be opened and relying on the operator to comply.

Option 1 requires that you make this decision at the time of initial construction and accept the higher costs and longer delivery. Alternately you could replace an existing hood with a hood with one with a smaller size opening but this will be even more costly after initial installation. I find that this is a rare option. However, it works well and all the time as it cannot be ignored or bypassed. And modifying the opening illegally is both difficult and usually blatantly obvious so compliance is usually not an issue.

Option 2 is often inexpensive even after initial installation. It also has the benefit of allowing the user to determine where the area to be reduced should come from. The top? The bottom? The sides? One side? A combination? This flexibility makes it very user friendly. Unfortunately, the panel(s) blocking the opening are often only screwed in place and easily removed or inappropriately making detection difficult. As a result, compliance can be an issue. Blocking panels can also produce disturbances in the airflow which make the hoods less effective. They also can be less efficient in distributing the exhaust and may result in less of a savings then expected. (E.g. blocking 10% of the opening may only reduce the exhaust by 5-7% resulting in less savings than expected.)

Option 3 is probably the most common approach. Mechanical stops may be fixed and require some effort to remove or modify. Some organizations have used tamper resistant screws or locks to ensure that these stops are not improperly moved. Sadly, my experience has shown that users routinely find ways to defeat these systems and allow the hood to be opened further. In one memorable case, the laboratory had large fluorescent colored plastic locking covers over the stops. Access to the keys was carefully controlled and the color made if obvious if any had been tampered with. Yet when I checked, all the sashes opened well above the mechanical stops. Someone had taken the time to reach under the stops with a hacksaw blade and cut them off! The plastic cover designed to prevent tampering now served to hide the illegal modification. Many organizations also provide stops that can be easily removed to allow the maximum hood opening for setting up the equipment. These are usually removed and never replaced or overridden routinely dur all operations.

Option 4 is the simplest and easiest method. Simply define the opening, attach a sign, sticker or mark and tell the operators to comply. Of course, they never do, and I find 70-90% of the hoods open past their maximum. (In fact, the ones not above their maximum are normally closed.)

This leads to two questions. Why do operators ignore or circumvent the maximum openings? Why, knowing that this is a problem do owners and designers continue to limit hood openings?

The second question is easier to answer so let’s address that first. Designers suggest limiting hood openings to save capital and operating costs. The most common reason is that the cost of the laboratory has been underestimated and when the initial design is complete, and the costs have risen above the budget, the design firm is stuck with trying to reduce the costs, usually significantly. The easiest way is to reduce the size of the laboratory or reduce the size of the ventilation system. Owners accept the latter suggestion as it is much more palatable at that stage of the project to agree to limit the hood opening then to explain to everyone that they have to reduce the size of their laboratories and the number of hoods they will have. The owners convince themselves that they can come up with a procedure their folks will follow. Less often but still often enough, the problem arises in an established facility that has run out of exhaust for modifications and new installations. In this case, the designer’s options are very few. Either spend a large amount of money and create significant disruption to expand the ventilation system or get agreement to limit the hood openings. Again, the owner feels that the easiest solution is to limit the size of the hood opening.

I have repeatedly mentioned instances where the operators have ignored, bypassed or circumvented these limitations. In fact, I will go further. I have never seen options 3 or 4 work. Ever. Anywhere. At least not after a brief period following an audit. Why is that?

The reasons are somewhat complex and rooted in human nature. A hood that is open past its maximum is still working but its face velocity is lower than intended and its ability to capture and retain vapors reduced. To the operator it feels, looks, and acts like it is working. Hence their willingness to violate the rules. (When the speed limit on major highways designed for 65-70 MPH was reduced to 55 MPH to save gas, how many drivers felt compelled to follow them when there was not a viable risk of detection?) Unless odors become routine or pronounced they have no feedback that their practice is putting themselves at risk. Woes, these conditions often develop over time and the operators become used to the odors and tend to ignore them or accept them as normal. What I normally see is first the operators begin to exceed the maximum opening when setting up an experiment arguing that nothing is being released. (Often true but equally often not true is something else is going on elsewhere in the hood at the same time, a not uncommon event in today’s crowded laboratories.) No major problems appear to occur. So, the operators are tacitly encouraged to expand the practice to when they are taking things in and out and finally to all the times they are working in the hood. Then, since everyone is doing it all the time, inappropriately modifying the stop seems rather reasonable. Worse, the poor safety oversight in most academic institutions has already encouraged this approach so they are already conditioned to accept it even in industry. And the maximum sash opening are often so reduced as to make most operations ergonomically difficult to practically impossible hence encouraging operators to open the sash above the maximum just to do their work.

Someone will, I am sure, write to note that their facility has a rigorous and solid safety procedure that everyone scrupulously follows. I bet that they do when someone is looking, or right after an audit, or right before an inspection. But my experience overwhelming suggests that the actual practice is nowhere near as compliant as these people think. And if invited to do an unannounced inspection of their facility I doubt I will be proved wrong. Some will comment that if operators are going to put themselves at risk by violating safety rules then that is their fault or problem not the organization. Unfortunately, the first time one becomes ill due to an exposure, the organization will realize ow indefensible that argument really is.

So, what can be done to correct the problem.? The best answer is not to allow it to occur in the first place. Consult with experienced independent laboratory experts to find out the more realistic costs of the facility before budgeting. Almost all design firms end up producing low ball estimates for a variety of reasons. If confronted with a cost overrun, be honest enough to realize that limiting hood openings is probably the worst way to address it however desirable it seems at the time. Reduce the size, scope, or other features of the facility first. Demand that your design firm design the ventilation system so that if can be expanded at least 20% by the addition of extra fans without having to change existing duct, provide new power and utilities, and find space for the new fans. Require these all to be included in the initial design. If reducing the ventilation seems the only viable option, use horizontal sash hoods instead. For more on this see may article on hood sashes at:

I am a big proponent of horizontal sashes as they do work and do dramatically reduce ventilation system sizes. (Or allow a lot more hoods for the same size system.)

Training of course helps but, in my experience, never solves the problem once it occurs. Routinely inspecting stops to make sure they are in place and are being used also helps but again is rarely completely effective. And continued training, inspections, and audits are costly and time consuming. Worse, many hood openings are determined either theoretically or measured with nothing in the hood. When the hood is put into actual service and packed full of equipment it becomes less effective and requires more exhaust. Hence the opening should have been smaller and, as marked or stopped, id too large. Se my article on “Why Can’t we Put it in the Hood?” for more details at:

What about alarms to indicate the hood is opened too far? Hood alarms are required by NFPA 45 Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals. However, they are usually ignored, silenced, acknowledged but not reset, or just modified to no longer alarm. (These range from cutting the audible alarm to simply putting tape and a towel over the alarm to muffle the sound to manageable levels.) Do they help? Yes, but nowhere near as much as most organizations believe.

So I suggest you work at correcting the problem before it occurs rather than spend your time trying to police a policy that historically has not worked very effectively.

Laura S.

Lead Quality Assurance Manager at UL

6 年

I enjoy your posts. I am an expert in chemical / process safety at Georgia Tech. I would like to perhaps collaborate or consult. Let me know if you are interested.

Stewart Millen

Principal Technology Chemist at Eastman Chemical Company (Retired)

6 年

Excellent article; my compliments.



