Limitations and Solutions to NIEPP
On a near perfect weather day here in Mysore (27.2046° N, 77.4977° E), my CEO Sudhanva Dhananjaya ( sent us a document on group WA. I opened it and started reading it. Suddenly my thought started to flow and here are my observations.
I am referring to this document
Page 5 Point II
Include innovation in annual pedagogical planning
"….schools should set up specific objectives with tangible outcomes which are achievable within specific timelines……."
Can anyone tell me how you measure innovation at any level, let alone school? Fundamentally what is innovation?
Page 9 Point II
Opportunities for up-skilling of teachers
This boils down to cost benefit analysis. How many schools can afford (sadly) to send a teacher on sabbatical and pay still? Or give them lesser number of hours of teaching to take an online course. Finally, how will the course benefit (measurable outcome) children and school who are the ultimate beneficiaries?
But this is a doable idea only if we increase the fee of a student by 2X.
Any planning and solution which cannot be implemented across all schools uniformly should not be implemented. The only solution is to have a parallel system and implement it in schools which has the bandwidth. Compare them and award between them ONLY. For school sake do not create competition among apples and oranges. For schools which can't afford by all means give some grants or let them get it from CSR funds.
So how many schools can afford to do this, a small number. Right? Yes. Now CBSE should identify these schools that can put this kind of a system in place and give functional and academic autonomy to have their own system of assessment in senior secondary. Reason is that IIE with a different set/way of learning, training and outcomes do not jell with the current system of CBSE exams.
For rest of the schools, change the very foundation of teaching from academic subjects to skill based vocation. Junk the existing system of "one size fits all"
Also for sure you will have almost no teachers with exposure to IIE from our present system of B.Ed teaching (that's a different topic, which I will write about). If this has to be implemented, CBSE should NOT insist on teachers with B.Ed. Flexibility has to be given to schools to recruit people with such skills.
This is exactly what is being done in vocational education, you can’t change the ITI system, but they have started the NSDC/SSC/NVEQF system as a parallel skill based vocational system with cross movement between the existing academic system and the vocational stream.