Terry Edwards
I Help Recruitment and Search Firm Owners make more placements, for the right fee, with less work and fewer headaches
On a recent coaching call with some of the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I help we got talking about self-sabotage...
It's something every single person I've ever met suffers from to some capacity...
Being capable of so much but repeatedly making decisions that limit your success...
Success or failure within the Recruitment/Search industry has more to do with decisions than it does with actual ability...
Average recruiters who repeatedly make the right decisions will substantially outperform excellent recruiters who repeatedly make the wrong ones...
And even if we don't compare other recruiters and instead compare your current results to your potential results... it comes down to decisions...
It's common sense...
And often improving your results doesn't require a new strategy, tactics, or tech... And just comes down to making more of the right decisions...
Decisions you KNOW you should be making...
For example...
You probably know your brain would function better if you drank more water, got more sleep, exercised more regularly, ate healthier... But then we make decisions that directly contradict that...
You probably know you business would be performing better if you improved your business development, did more of it, did more often, studied how to get better at it but then do nothing about it...
You know there are areas of your business you need to improve or fix, but you put off actually seeking the help or support you need to improve it...
We all do it...
The danger is not being able to recognise this behaviour in yourself...
Because if you can't recognise it, you can't fix it...
But knowing and understanding you do this makes it easier to course correct when you start sabotaging your own success...
Where are you doing this in your life or business at the moment?
While you're here... Here are four ways I can help...
- Join "Make More Placements for Recruitment and Search Business Owners" - It’s our new Facebook community specifically for Recruitment and Search Business Owners. Every week we host a free training centred around what you need to do to make more placements and scale your business. — Join Here
- Watch the free training - We put together an online workshop that reveals "5 Secrets To Taking Your Recruitment or Search Business From 6 to 7 Figures in Revenue...Without working yourself into an early grave" - Watch it here
- Get the 'Make More Placements' Book - We've put together a book that outlines the Discover the quick, dirty and uncensored secrets top-performing Recruitment and Search Business Owners use to make more placements, for higher fees with less work and fewer headaches… - Get it here
- Work with us privately - If you'd like to work with us privately to scale your Recruitment or Search Business click the following link, fill out the short application form and someone will be in touch - Apply here
Speak to you soon,
Until then,
Take care, take action and be relentless...
Terry Edwards