There is No Limit
Joyful world
Put some real joy into what you’re doing, and what you’re doing changes for the better. Put some genuine joy into the situation, and new, positive possibilities come clearly into focus.
Instead of assuming that you cannot possibly enjoy what you’re doing, find ways to add your own joy to it. Instead of expecting joy to be given to you, make as much of your own joy as you can.
Energize your moments by living them joyfully and enthusiastically. You can choose the way you relate to life, so choose to do it with joy.
Don’t poison your attitude by compiling a list of things that get you down. Commit yourself to lifting life up no matter what kinds of things might be going on.
By all means, live in the real world, and live with authentic joy. Be realistic and joyful at the same time, and your reality will get better and better.
This is a day, this is a moment, this is a life that could benefit from some real joy. Give some joy now, and as often as you can, and live in a more joyful world.
Live proactively
The best time to solve a problem is before it becomes a problem. Get out in front of life and live it proactively, and you’ll be free to set your own agenda.
When you earn money before you spend it, you’ll avoid debt and make yourself financially secure. In the same way, when you do what must be done before it must be done, you avoid having to play catch up and can spend your time doing what matters.
Every moment gives you the opportunity to get ahead of life’s demands. The more wisely and productively you use each moment, the more you’ll be in control of your own destiny.
It feels good to take it easy and do nothing. It feels much, much better, though, to take it easy when this month’s work and next month’s work are already done.
It’s great to be able to deal with a problem when it arises. What’s even better, though, is to already have the solution in place before the problem ever comes.
Look ahead, plan ahead, and work ahead. Live proactively by valuing every moment for the opportunity it is, and feel how great it feels to truly get ahead.
When success happens
When and where do success and achievement always happen? They always happen here and now.
This is the moment when you can choose to either work toward your dreams or to let them fade away. Now is when you take the specific actions that create the reality of your life.
Successful achievement is not some far off, future concept that might happen someday. Achievement is very real, and comes about as a result of what you do now.
You will not ever get anything done if you keep scheduling it for someday. What you do with right now is what truly makes a difference in your life.
Your future consequences are determined right here, right now, based on what you do with this day. This is when you can put real life and substance into your dreams.
Delight in this moment and give your very best to it. For in this moment is when you are creating your life, and in this moment is when success happens.
Something good in it
What appears to be a problem is not just a problem. It is an invitation to explore new positive possibilities.
What seems impossible is not entirely impossible. It is challenging you to look at the situation from a different perspective.
The obstacles that block you are also doing you a favor. They are guiding you to become more creative, more innovative, more determined and purposeful.
Each negative thing has a positive element. That’s because you have the amazing ability to learn, to adapt, to create and to transform life according to your unique, positive vision.
There’s really no need to worry about what might or might not come. For no matter what may come, there’s a way for you to create more goodness and richness from it.
Enthusiastically embrace each moment with open arms. There’s something good in it, waiting for you to bring it to life.
Life without limits
There is no limit to how much you can love. So give your love every opportunity you get.
There is no limit to how high you can aim. So aim for the highest, most meaningful goals, and your achievements will be amazing.
There is no limit to what you can imagine. So imagine and expect the very best for your life and your world, and let what you imagine inspire you to make it so.
Limits are only for those who fear their own strength. Let go of your fear, let go of the limits, and discover how truly strong and effective you can be.
Step boldly outside the comfort of your self-imposed limitations. You have many good and worthy things to do, so put all your focus on making them happen.
Live your life without limits. And fulfill the beautiful, unique purpose that is you.
Taste the goodness
Relax, let go, be thankful and live this beautiful life that is yours right now. Feel the goodness that is your nature, and let that goodness fill your awareness.
Be where you love to be by loving where you are. Enjoy life by enjoying the moment you’re in.
See the beauty that is all around you, in even the most ordinary of things. Feel the truly astounding miracle that is your existence on this day, in this place.
Allow yourself to be filled with wonder and appreciation for all that is. Know that there is unique positive value to be discovered in every turn of events, and choose to make the most of that value.
There is every reason to expect the best of yourself and your world right now. There is every reason to live this moment with passion, purpose and love.
Open yourself fully to life, and see how truly good it is, right now. Taste the goodness, and let it grow more abundant within you.
Positive experiences
Positive experiences create positive momentum. And positive momentum brings even more positive experiences.
Give yourself the gift of a genuine, meaningful positive experience. The benefits of that time will continue long after the experience has ended.
Be good to yourself and it will be great for your life. Truly enjoy the world around you and you’ll see opportunities that were previously invisible.
Joy is always possible. Allow a little joy to flow out from your life right now.
Being good to yourself is not selfish. Because the more fulfillment you experience, the more value you have to give to others.
Have fun with what you have and enjoy where you are. Life’s great abundance is yours when you can truly feel that it’s there.
— Ralph Marston