Limelight emotions (gpt)

what is human emotion. You become close to someone. we share talks and laughs. We start to travel along their paths for sometime to see where it goes and then never turning backs. Foregone are the days when we used to be in sane route to our own life. We need some kind of reassurance we are with someone not alone. Like cycle we come across same sorrows from same person. We feel like it is all smooth and glory with life no blemishes to be seen just so clean over the surface. Gathering those dust between pages of stories we move on still adding some flips here and there.we came there with no aspirations just to see if this could be the time, finding the depth of happiness.some may feel it short may be long to some , we remember just those warm sunlight and wind on our faces.All along it was those hands which tried to hold on for enough time hidden in the light. Those could swim were the ones holding their breaths. This felt far too longer than ship could sail before the giveaway from light house. They said find me , look for me like a cat and mouse no breadcrumbs . Trying to modernize those memories I feed ,sooner I fed the close the time felt. Always felt the light will be green still walking hastly through the crossings. I didn't felt the fear so close in my heart, mingling with those memories faded waste. sweet goodbyes we hungered for. Only guessing the cost the sweetness.

Human emotion is a tapestry woven from shared moments and connections. We grow close to someone, exchanging laughter and deep conversations, embarking on a journey together, exploring each other's paths. In this shared experience, we often lose sight of our own routes, finding solace in the companionship that reassures us we are not alone.        
As we navigate this journey, we encounter familiar sorrows, yet the surface appears smooth and unblemished, concealing the dust of untold stories. We move forward, adding new chapters to our lives, often without specific aspirations, simply hoping to discover profound happiness. For some, this journey feels fleeting; for others, it stretches on. Yet, we remember the warmth of sunlight and the gentle breeze on our faces, moments made precious by the hands that reached out to hold us, even if only for a while.        
Those who could swim through the depths of emotion held their breath, savoring the experience longer than a ship could sail before the lighthouse's guiding light fades. We are urged to seek each other out, like a game of cat and mouse, with no breadcrumbs to follow. As I modernize these memories, I find that the closer I draw to them, the more time seems to compress.        
I walk through life, believing the light will always be green, moving hastily through crossings without fear, even as memories fade into the background. We yearn for sweet goodbyes, often left to ponder the cost of that sweetness.        


