Lilacs are Spring Bloomers
We had a nice rain last night which was much needed, but I sure wasn't expecting the heavy fog this morning. While driving to office in the dark, I grew all the more watchful of my surroundings, and especially the road ahead of me. Whenever driving in fog, my memories go back to all the fatal accidents which were due to it, and the most recently being that 18 wheeler that went thru that stop sign at the corner of Hwy 122 and California about a month ago where the driver lost his life. Even this morning while heading out of town after sunup, there was a gal driving full speed without her headlights on. We must always remember how important it is to drive defensively whenever there's limited visibility.
With my morning free, I headed out to do some additional work on one of my projects, and in spite of it being dampish outdoors, I did manage to get more finished in those three hours than I'd expected. Today's major project was getting an old stump dug out which by the time I finally got it pulled, I found I'd managed to dig a larger and deeper hole than I'd expected, but I did get it chopped out and cut up. I've now got a large round patch of soil I'll have to get sowed with grass seed before our ground freezes.
The remainder of my afternoon was spent getting documents initialed and signed by various clients and customers, along with replying to a number of emails that came in over the night. It was a good thing I returned to office early because by the time I got everything finished up, it was the hour my afternoon appointment was scheduled to arrive.
He arrived right on time, so I proceeded to go over all the information I'd gathered on his home, as well as the comparable sales that reflected what I believed his home would be worth in today's market. We spoke again about options available should it sell right out of the gates, and since he's under no pressure to sell, I left the decision completely up to him.
We must've been visiting for well over an hour about all the people we both know, along with those that've passed. Today I found myself giving a brief history of the years I spent singing and playing the organ or piano at various churches in our City. Yes, I've been around the horn with my dealings with tribal communities of faith, as well as music directors who sometimes didn't realize the general bodies of church attendants, are not musically gifted enough to freely sight-read and sing syncopated music that was being thrown at them on a weekly basis.
By the time he left, I considered our meeting a success in many ways, and hopefully I'll be able to do a good job for him if he should decide to list his home. I really didn't consider myself being interviewed, but rather a seller wanting to get to know who he'll be working with, which I very much appreciate because selling a home is a team effort.
I sure wouldn't want to have someone selling my home if I wasn't getting good "vibes" from a visiting agent. As far as I'm concerned, Realtors can puff themselves up like peacocks all they want, but if they don't have what I believe it takes to do a good job, then it becomes a "Next".
My late afternoon showing of a country property to a young couple moving here from out of town, went very well, and to the point I'll not be surprised if I'll be getting a call from them either tomorrow or Monday. As far as I'm concerned, they'd be a good fit, but I'll not be the one living there. We were there a good hour which was a good indicator they were more than casually interested.
Tomorrow I'll be doing some paying it forward with a project I'd agreed to do for a dear old friend of mine, so I'm hoping we're not going to be getting any rain, because it's outside work. She was more than willing to hire someone, but believe it or not, everyone she called, told her they were booked up for weeks, and since what she's needing done is time sensitive, I raised my hand and agreed. I'm not worried about doing it, but only a bit concerned I'll not be able to get it finished in an afternoon. I keep telling myself that if I remain focused without interruptions, it'll get completed.
It looks like I'll be getting an offer on 515 N. Massachusetts emailed to me sometime this evening, and for the strangest of reasons, I'm suspecting it'll be coming from a buyer I spoke with about a week ago, and if it is, then it'll not be on me because I've been waiting for my sellers to get some answers to several questions that buyer had. Oh well, if that be the case then so be it because we as Realtors are not the taskmasters of our sellers, but rather messengers and facilitators.
When looking at my appointment calendar for this coming week, it looks like it's going to be a full one which means I'll be working very hard at managing my time because most buyers and sellers can sense whenever an agent is trying to rush them, and as long as I don't have any intervening circumstances, that won't be an issue.
I just peeked outdoors and noticed we're now getting a misty rain which now has me concerned it's going to carry-over into the morning, and if it does, I'll be struggling all the more with my pay-it-forward project.
By the way, have you noticed a number of lilacs blooming around our City? Without a doubt, that's a first for me in all these years. Lilacs are Spring bloomers, not Fall which is yet one more sign of how these weather patterns are affecting normal growing cycles.
Tonight's One-liner is: Positive thinking will allow you to do everything better than negative thinking.
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