Li'l Smart A**
Richard Zimmerman
Architect, Architectural Expert Witness, Code Compliance Consultant, Author, Sign & Graphic Designer, Cartoonist
(and even more at rickzworld)
You can substitute just about any particular expletive, profanity, epithet, cuss, outburst, swear, rant, oath, fulmination, imprecation, blasphemy or objuration you wish for the blank word balloon you see hovering omnipresently above the head of the Li’l Smart A**.
For this fiend has seen and heard and learned them all from daytime television, video games, reality shows, the nightly news, graphic novels and the internet, and isn’t afraid to use them. He’s verbally dexterous, yet morally blank and socially insouciant.
This is the kid that embarrasses the extended clan at the waterpark reunion, the one that gets the entire kindergarten class thrown out of the natural history museum, the one that has all five pews of nuns crossing themselves vigorously during the Palm Sunday procession.
Yep — he’s a pistol alright!