
What is the difference between “Tzelem” and “D’mut”? Both these expressions are used to describe the creation of Humankind in this week’s portion of Bereishit. On the sixth and final day of creation,we encounter the dramatic and perplexing statement,1:26;

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And God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness… ”

Rashi offers the following distinction; Tzelem ????????? ????????? in our type, image. D’mut ????????? ?????????????? in our likeness, with the capacity to comprehend and discern. At the climax of the creation process, the formation and fashioning of humankind conjures the physical and intellectual qualities of God. The Midrash will immediately question as I imagine we will too, how is it possible that this blueprint can produce mankind or perhaps more poignantly “Godkind” that is evil???

Curiously in the continuing enigmatic account in the following verse, 1:27;

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And God created humankind in the divine image, creating it in the image of God- creating them male and female.

There is Tzelem apportioned, yet where is the D’mut? The divine image of God was represented in the joint formation of male and female, yet, bewilderingly the likeness of intellectual prowess appears to be missing. The quality and quandary is not lost, - the trait re-appears in the penultimate chapter of the portion of Bereshit, 5:1

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This is the Book containing the stories of Adam.—When God created humankind, it was made in the likeness of God.?

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, beautifully highlights that the ability to have history, events worthy of recording arises out of this very unique quality of intellect, wisdom. Fascinatingly, two verses later, this story of Adam and Eve, provides details regarding their generations, their children. The earlier recording of the births of Cain and Abel, alarmingly if not tellingly, do not include what we come across with the (later) birth of Seth, 5:3;

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When Adam had lived 130 years, he begot a son in his likeness after his image, and he named him Seth. Note how the qualities are in the reverse order from the iconic statement made by God (and the angels) concerning the creation of humankind.

Following this, all of the generations of Seth are recorded, disconcertingly highlighting the absence of the toldot, the generations of Cain and Abel, albeit the offsprings of Cain are recorded. In the formation of the “like” and “wise” of God, can mistakes be made, the creation of getting things wrong? Is that a human and God quality??

Perhaps ???? ?????? ?????????? ??????? the purpose of “This Book”, recording the actions of humankind, was destined to be an on-going work in progress inviting us to keep learning and creating (better) futures.


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