Like Work But Different
We're now ready to welcome guests at LWBD, and to get started we're going to run a beta programme.
This is because we'd like to learn as much as possible from the experiences of our first few guests, and to say thank you, we'll offer the whole of the LWBD office at COST PRICE.
Here's the deal:
- To be eligible: you need to be connected to Ian or Jackie on Linkedin or Facebook, or know someone who is. We'll ask them about you!
- You pay: just the cost of refreshments during the day. If you want us to organise lunch, you'll get that at cost price as well.
- Cost of the actual venue is nil to beta testers.
- Nothing.
- Zilch.
- Feedback - we're doing this to get your feedback, so we'll be talking to you before and after your meeting.
- This offer is good until the last day of September 2018, or until we've had 10 groups visit us, whichever is soonest. So if you're interested, get in contact with us ASAP at: [email protected] (we'll get the proper LWBD email setup one day - it's on the list...)
So have a look at our facilities, and where we are, then contact us to arrange your meeting. See you soon!