?? Be Like Water ??

?? Be Like Water ??

This practice will change your life.

Imagine you had someone saying something really hurtful. Something that just makes you cringe.

Play it in your mind and feel it, and watch yourself experiencing it.

Think about it.

Those are just words. Just sounds.

If you didn’t understand the words, they would not hurt you.


We bring the meaning.

We make it hurt by how we understand these things, by the meaning that we bring to it, and by how we react to these things inside.

Whenever something hurts our feelings, it’s hurting our ego. Our story about ourselves.

Because who we really are, the I AM, is complete and doesn’t need to be defined by stories.

The I AM is bigger than having its feelings hurt. The I AM is complete and perfect.


We learn who we are with experiences, memories, stories that we hold in our minds, in our perception, and in our energy fields. We build an identity out of a network of story and charge.

This network of story and emotional charge crystalizes into a set of lenses for our perception, where we look at everything from the perspective of our vested interest. From the perspective of our story.

So, words hurt because they challenge our fixed stories about ourselves.

These stories, this ego, could be seen as a set of fixed points in our energy field. Crystallizations of story and old emotional charge.


Words or actions that we perceive are energies that enter our field.

If this energy strikes against a fixed point of charge, we feel that fixed point of charge. It hurts.

So these words (in themselves) have no power over us.

They simply reveal our fixed stories, our unintegrated emotional charge and the personality that has been formed around it.


This is a lifelong practice, and a way of holding yourself. In all your interactions, and all throughout life.

Remember that on the level of the soul, you are a ball of energy suspended on a thread of inexhaustible light that runs from Source to the center of the earth.

You are a focal point of consciousness, which means you are an active transformer of energy within your little bubble.

Things come in, you receive them, and you send energy out in countless ways, from work and time and money, to attention and emotion and intention.


When you are in your sovereign state, you have a choice as to what energy you put out.

When you are carrying a load of unintegrated story and charge, you are not in your sovereign state.

You are reactive, believing the role of your personality, and forced to respond to certain things in certain ways, because that’s what your character would do!

When we practice Being Like Water, we practice noticing the energies that enter our sphere, the words and emotions, sights and sounds, and just allowing them to be.

Let the word, let the emotion and the idea, flow through you without resisting. Just RELAX, and let it be.


This is very challenging.

Every time you are triggered, it is a point of old charge coming up for review.

It takes vigilance and self-awareness to process that charge internally, or at least take note of it, before launching into reaction.

You are not your story, your mind, your memory, your pain.

You are the I AM. That is all that is real, and all else will pass away. Even who you think you are.

Relax, and allow it to flow through you.

Relax, and allow the body to surrender to the moment.


And, if you are able to do this, something amazing happens.

When a bully is picking on a kid, and the kid seethes inside, the bully can feel that. They can feel that their missiles have struck home, and this encourages more missiles.

But when the words have literally no effect, the claws find no purchase, and the aggressor often becomes bored of yelling into a vacuum.

This is a silly example of an extremely powerful principle that plays out in every single area of human interaction.

We set the tone for the interactions we experience. We set this tone unconsciously, with how we hold our minds, bodies and hearts.


When we learn to Be Like Water, we learn to surrender instead of engaging, and we learn to observe instead of react.

And, when this lesson sinks down far enough, we learn a place of radical inner acceptance, a space of true surrender.

From this space of true surrender, we have full freedom because we no longer wish to be anywhere other than we are.

And from this place of radical acceptance, we are more capable of taking clear, well-considered action to address the things that we might have instead stood in resistance to.


This is some of the deep magic, folks.

If you can be like water, you can hold your space, and nothing can rock you.

And it comes not by tensing or over-controlling, but by letting go so deeply that there’s nothing that can be struck.

This opens the door to living life in a flow state, bringing unprecedented levels of grace into all your interactions, and eventually into all your actions as well.

Slowly, slowly, you will notice that you are exerting less effort and accomplishing more, and that the things which used to trigger you, now simply cue you to pay attention…

Sunny Franson

??Inspiring Harmony: Mentor for Biology, Author, and Artist - Encouraging Conservation Through Words, Art, and Professional Guidance ?????? Nature Heals?? I Believe in Kindness, Giving, Humility, Gratitude, Empathy ??

1 天前

This is So True, Israel. It is a beautiful truth. Thank you for sharing it.



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