Be Like Toto. (The Dog, Not the Band)

Be Like Toto. (The Dog, Not the Band)

"Dear Dorothy,

Hate Oz. Took the shoes. Find your own way home.?

Love, Toto"

My brother, Phil Enright, and I have been laughing about this t-shirt message that we saw at a Kansas rest stop, since 1991.

Toto is SO direct, right?

He just gets to the point.


He's not worried about meeting Dorothy where she's at.

He's didn't mention the color of the shoes.

He didn't talk about the munchkins or the monkeys.

He didn't freak her out about the witch.

What if we could be that bold with our marketing??What if we could be that human??That honest?

I know, it sounds scary. And not very nice, right?

But sometimes the TRUTH feels SOOOOOO good.

Let's try it.

Here I go:


Dear Exhausted Coaches Who Want Clients,

You're doing it wrong.?

Get a Mind-blowing LinkedIn Profile FIRST, THEN get a beautifully designed, well-written one-sheeter. TURN that into a Landing Page. THEN work on Lead Gen, so you're sending people to a BEAUTIFUL place that tells your REAL story.?(Website can come later...seriously)

This costs money.

Love, Andrea


I'm not saying this is the answer to all your marketing woes.


Where could you be more direct? In your relationship? In traffic? With your cleaning lady? In your emails?

With all the marketing fluff and botox and facade and posing and image-obsessed rhetoric we see on social media, this kind of honesty WILL stand out and be SO GD Refreshing.

The result?

--People who respond.

--Surprise and delight

--Curiosity and "tell me more"

--The right clients who want real change

--Self-awareness that disarms your audience.

--A little more ease in your client's day

--A beautiful pattern interrupt.

Dare you to try it out.

Sign up for my magic here.

Posts. Profiles. Personal Messaging. Transformation if you're ready.


#exhausted #directmarketing #pithy #linkedinrprofile #brandmessaging #youarebrave

Ellen Melko Moore

Your LinkedIn Strategy is Hurting My Heart and My Eyeballs | "America's Top LinkedIn Thought Leader" - Forbes | Helping 7-8 Figure Businesses Multiply Revenue by Targeting Your Most Lucrative Clients | Bloom Growth Coach

6 个月

As scary as it is, our Superfans, your Superfans, they will LOVE IT! One of the reasons Andrea L. Enright is so successful on this platform is because the standard communication here is long, boring, corporate, and relentlessly professional. "We're so proud to have added so and so to the team and he's so great because yadda yadda yadda" ("B*********tch, I do not care. I do not know you!"


Revenue Producing Execs??Replace soul sucking with soul SATISFACTION & FUN|You’re in the room where it happens ??|Be Invaluable|You know there's more|GSD| Recovering HR Exec |Marathon Runner/Triathlete ????♀? ??♀???♀?

7 个月

Andrea L. Enright as a child of the 80's who remembers the band Toto I love this post! Plus I feel my audience needs to hear it as well. I'll message you about sharing post because marketers especially need to hear it. They need the most help by far.

Laura Enzor?

Personal Growth Catalyst for women 40+ || Busy Taking Care of Others? || Your Resentments Been Under Wraps Too Long || Master Listener || Conservative Mama || Champion for Women ||10x Your Inner Calm 10x Your Soul Growth

7 个月

Be more like Toto!! I’m going to try Andrea L. Enright!!

Clare Price

B2B Companies Needing a True Marketing Reset | Partner of EOS? Worldwide | Fractional CMO for manufacturing, SaaS and professional service companies.

7 个月

Totally agree Andrea L. Enright. Be direct. I think Henry DeVries also says clear over clever wins. I especially love you direct step by step to reposition your message begin with your profile.

Dr. Carrie Johansson

Speaker. Author. Psychologist.

7 个月

Andrea L. Enright, kudos to you for championing honesty and authenticity in a world often filled with marketing noise. Here's to more genuine connections and beautiful pattern interrupts! And I need that t-shirt, lolol!


