Like in Tarantino's movie... PART 1

Like in Tarantino's movie... PART 1

Dear All.

I had this quite creative idea. You know, some time ago there was this guy named Ivan Pavlov. He became famous for his work on classical conditioning - you know when the dog gets salivating on the view of food and associated sound of a bell. Then you take the food - and the animal salivates through association just because it heard the bell. Sounds like magic!

Hence many people tell me that I’m quite directive - let’s get to the point so… (I’m gonna use “we” here just for this example purposes). Bear with me....

Let’s say that a conscious mind can take 5 to 8 bits of info per second. Unconscious mind can bear 1000 times more and it makes majority of impulse decisions. he purpose to share it here - is that people unite and never let it happen as there will be a lot of material here and in many parts to continue this story.

So, let’s say that people can be built. That by triggering the right impulses at the very right time - we can trigger similar or the same feeling and / or action as in the other moment - when that person felt or acted the same way. Simply based on classical conditioning, in the same manner that when you see a Christmas tree you feel relaxed and start thinking of family but what does happen when one sees a clown? After "a heavy" media campaign a year ago and a movie “IT” - one doesn’t feel that happy because of association with certain other stuff. Classical conditioning in action.

So what's your feeling about this picture to the right? ========>

And about this one? ========>

So the big idea is there. Now - the big question - how could this be done? How to make “the system”? How could people get built?

But before that - WHY?

Hmmm… it would take a lot of money. Only some very rich people could make it happen. Because it is always just and only about the MONEY. But then imagine how much more could they get if someone could simply subconsciously make what they want. At the end of the day - it is human behaviour that makes us DO things. If you can in ANY way control people - then you can control their attention (and what they support), how fast they work (and how fast you can earn MONEY to get even richer) or what do they work on (so you can be always in charge - as possibly once you have enough money - then it is about the Power or in other words - making people do what you want, right?).

What a Masterpiece until now - almost like any of Tarantino’s movies, isn’t it?

So once again - HOW? Let’s put some structure to this madness… (like in any of Tarantino’s movies).

First of all - we have people. 


  • Let’s say that we install cameras everywhere to track what people see. 
  • Let’s install microphones everywhere to hear what people hear. 
  • The same for the other senses wherever possible: smell, taste & touch. 
  • Total invigilation and knowing each input for each person in the area. 


Now it is time to build & trigger. Having this info - let’s use specific signals based on: 

sounds like words or specific phonetics, colors & visible text, even a person with a name that sounds like something can trigger the unconscious right?… 

Then let’s put a specific output signal at the very specific input moment. 

Well - practical EXAMPLE always work better than any theory:

Let’s say that then your master (or god - come on! They are the ones with the money!) wants to build you to make impulse decisions because in his empire he needs a Director personality - someone who simply wants it and wants it *now*. 

So then let’s ask the question - what is the predominant feeling for a person to be stupid enough and make practically instant decisions without considering the options?

Well - that would be anger - wouldn’t it?

So now the example input situation - let’s say that person watches TV and has seen something that triggers anger. Say that it was a scene of racism & discrimination that made that person angry, triggered this one emotion & perhaps even pushed to some action at this very moment. That’s the input that we know has happened to that person.

So now time for the right output - at the very moment when this emotion is triggered by this scene in TV - imagine that a phone call from someone named Robert Rodriguez is made to you and / or you receive an email with a mysterious subject “Roberto Rodriguez robbed a rabbi! See it now!” and / or you get a mobile app notification saying the same (or whatever else but you should see by now a pattern of, in this instance, “R”).

Still - the sample pattern in this instance is R.

Then you get another situation when you feel angry and you are build with similar pattern message. And then another, then another, then another… and finally you are “hooked” or simply - built.

And here we go. Here we have a BOT. A built person who knows that something is happening but can’t say exactly what for a long, long time… but if he/she is not mentally strong enough (and foremost - intelligent to pick it consciously) - then that person is automated to feel & react in certain manner.

Now it’s the time for a grand finale.

Then let’s say that masters (or let’s put it as it would be if that would the truth - people with enough money to do this gig) think - “it’s the time to trigger”. “Today he has this important meeting and let’s see - perhaps a bit of anger & aggression is good for our deal”. And here we go, at the time for the meeting - that person gets a phone call from the same Roberto Rodriguez as the last time and / or gets some other sort of message with a lot of “aRRRRghs”.

Then it’s time for verification - did it work? Or do we need to build a bit more? Did the trigger work? To what extent? What was the outcome?

There is even a name for a general process like that - PDCA => Plan => Do => Check => Act.

...And now it is the time to finish PART 1. Next ones will be posted regularly.

I am so glad we live in this just world where something like that could not happen. Where “1984” was simply a book (and then a movie). Where there is no total invigilation or building people in such an INJUST way.

Let’s treat this story like one of those crazy Tarantino’s masterpieces. Just this time - let’s make sure that the good wins, shall we?



Eric Tomaszewski


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