Be Like A Stamp
Just stop it…you’re doing to much and it’s making you poor!
You need a podcast. You need a another Facebook group. And yes, you should go live video everyday as well. Don’t forget more articles on Linkedin.
Create a new video everyday for youtube is a must. Oh and don’t forget a funnel and write a book while you’re at it.
I could go on and on with all the things that it would be great to do for your business but let’s use common sense here.
Here is some advice that I have been applying since I got in business at the ripe age of eleven.
Be like a stamp STICK TO ONE least for now.
If you are interested in growing your business it is impossible for you to do all the articles and videos and all the other things and still do what I refer to as IPA.
No not an alcoholic beverage but Income Producing Activity.
If you won’t have the staff to effectively cover all the social media then your doing thing half way.
Let’s say you build homes for a living. You have a staff of 10 people. Each home you build takes 10 people in total and that’s the amount of people it takes to build a home to your standards.
But let’s say you decide you want to build three homes simultaneously with the same amount of resources and the same 10 people.
It’s not possible. to do so and maintain the same quality.
You’ll spread everyone so thin not to mention the quality is going to be dramatically be affected and it will take way more than triple the amount of time.
This is what entrepreneurs try to do. They have limited staff and are putting out crappy stuff because them have been told to be everywhere. You can’t if you don’t have the resources.
So what do you do?
If you want to scale your business you need two things. People and money. If you don’t have the financial resources to hire more people then you have to create the income from what you are doing.
But if you’re trying to do everything half way you’re not going to focus enough on growing your sales to create the income to grow your business.
Stop doing so much stuff that doesn’t bring in sales…
I honestly think so much of this social media push is EGO based.
The sole purpose of a business is to profit. Without a profit you can’t get your product or services to people and help them.
We both see all these go called gurus who fill their egos with social media and try to tell you how to have a more successful life yet their lives are a mess and their bank accounts are empty.
Don’t get caught up in all of this. Put out the best of what you can with the resources you have.
Stop trying to do everything which is spreading you so thin and keeping you from getting more results financially.
Be life a stamp, stick to one thing. Then you’ll be able to create resource so you can add more people and projects to your list to execute.
This is how you effectively grow a company.