Be Like Peter
Jamie Allison
CEO and Founder at epitome. HR Inc./Big Idea Big Moves Podcast Host/Author/Executive/Entrepreneur
- Photo by Steve Russell
Some of you may know Peter Urs Bender, many of you won't.
Peter passed away over 10 years ago. Many lucky people knew him much better than I, but he inspires me to this day.
Peter wrote a number of leadership books like Leadership From Within. He was well known as an accomplished speaker and was a staple on that circuit for years. That was when I became a fan. Yes, I enjoyed listening to his speaking engagements, but it was when I was booking him for an event that I discovered the true Peter.
I had left him a message asking about a booking for a healthcare leadership event. He returned my call and left me an extremely cordial return message. The next morning I received a package at my desk that included copies of his books and a hand-written note thanking me for considering him for the event. What a brand experience! He wasn't even booked, but he had stacked the deck for sure.
Leading up to the conference he not only built upon that positive impression, he took personal interest in my goals and coached me on goal-setting and achieving things that stoke your fire (like writing my book Jackpot!). He was full of infectious energy, passion and care. He was a leader through influence.
I think we all would like to leave that kind of lasting impression.
Boiling it down, to be like Peter...
- Deliver wow. Add something unexpected and leave a lasting impression.
- Show genuine interest. Listen and show it matters.
- Be humble. Show respect and expect it in return.
- Be encouraging. Help others see the talent they bring to the table.
- Realize that Passion and Effort trump everything!
Thanks yet again Peter!
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7 年Jamie Allison CHRL, thank you for paying tribute to Peter Urs Bender. He was my mentor and friend.