Be like a king and know how to start digital transformation.

Be like a king and know how to start digital transformation.

3 Easy steps to start Digital Transformation:

Is Digital Transformation easy? No. But starting right is easy!

Changing a corporate culture is very challenging and it takes a lot of steps. But by taking some initial steps in the right direction will create a great foundation for digital transformation. When done correctly, it can augment within organizations procedures and integrate into the existing culture and experience. All we have to do is to start the transformation correctly.

The World is changing. Less human intervention and more innovation.

Digital transformation is all about using technology to solve a problem. And it is meant for innovating new methods of working than solving traditional problems. When Digital Transformation (DX) is initiated correctly, it allows companies to provide unique value to customers and continually evaluate their strategies. In a digitally transformed business, digital technology is integrated into most of the areas of the business, from sales to service and beyond. DX breaks down the silos to create a more seamless experience across the company, both internally and externally.

Step 1 — Customer Focus

While visualizing a digital process, put your customer in the center. Companies that are best prepared for a digital transformation and that have the best results understand their customers and have a strong understanding of their wants and needs. Realizing what is best for the customer puts things into perspective and helps prioritize the next steps.

Understanding your customer’s needs will help innovation.

Voice of Customer (VOC) is very much required before starting to do any change to your process. Even a smaller amount of responses collected will help to analyze what nature of change the customers are expecting. Ask customers at various stages of their journey. For example: while onboarding a customer, ask “how well, you will accept an electronic contract digitally signed on our business portal?” and while providing a service, “ Will you appreciate if we proactively monitor our services using automated technologies?” The answers will provide the information on where to start your Digital Transformation (DX) journey.

Understanding the problem: Most of the time businesses drive change based on assumptions. Be very clear on what problem you are going to solve and how your customer will see this.

Diving directly to a digital solution without analyzing the problem, does the problem exist in our business, and at what level it impacts our customer will indulge investments significantly. Collecting all the required data for analyzing the problem deeper will help ensure driving DX in the right way. Ultimately calculate the potential returns expected such as returning customers, expanding the customer base, a higher value to customers brings more profits and sustainability.

Step 2— Change Management

Major part of the innovation is change, so handle it with care. Embrace Change that you Managed to create. Many digital transformations fail because employees don’t support them. People usually stick to the same environment and often struggle with change, even if they see the potential benefits. The most effective change management efforts are aligned with the modern, dynamic business environment.

In this disruptive business era, it is required to be competitive.

Remember the key terms such as User Experience, Knowledge Transfer, Ease-Of-Use, Simplicity, and Personalization when it comes to preparing your plan for managing the change. Elaborate on each one of the terms specified above and address the level of improvement the digital transformation is going to bring on all of them. Prefer not to progress further if you can not justify, because of a negative impact on any one of them, unless you have a strategic plan addressing the issue.

Tools and Techniques: It is not only the technology but also better to apply the concept of techniques like lean six sigma by engaging with the professionals or developing in-house talent.

The automation market offers a wide range of tools for change management. But the key aspect to change management is the skill. It is so important to have the skill to use the technology. Ensure your change management plan is strongly backed up by knowledge and skill who can implement the right practices such as monitoring and executing proven methods. If you are going to develop an in-house talent to execute such proven methods, ensure to provide adequate training and certifications on digital transformation practices.

Step 3– Organized Structure

Bring the people together to support your transformation. It’s time to organize requirements and structure the plan. Make sure all the requirements gathered are captured in a tracker document with the priority level. Success criteria are the most important part to mention while organizing the requirements. The success criteria are the goals that should be addressed with an action plan. It is also important to note the impact of key problems.

Organizing might be a little boring, but a key to DX’s success.

Getting regular and iterative feedback from the employees and customers at this stage will help to deter from diverting the goals to be attained. Involving stakeholders and employees with defined roles to be a part of digital transformation initiatives will increase the internal support and will add a vital role in the success to achieve the goals. Digital transformation is a continuous journey, hence bringing that as an integral part of business culture requires people support, it can not be forced. Empowering employees in DX activities help DX culture.

People and Process: Many businesses go with technology first and process second. It’s not a wrong practice, but the best ingredients would be people, process, and technology.

Preparing people and process right from the initial stage of choosing a technology is most recommended than going for technology first and then forcing the process that the technology offer to the people. At the same time, it also not practical to prepare an entire list for the whole organization and look for a technology that offers all in the list. It is always a balance. Take a staggered approach in your structure by going for a focused area to transform, measure the success, and cascade to grow your digital maturity.


