It was like I'd given him a universal cheat code
Kim Scotland
Strategic & stunning WordPress sites for values-led business | Neurodivergent-friendly audits, builds & maintenance | Book a free website health check????
A while back I was talking my husband through using a website. I can't remember which one or why I was helping him.
I told him to go back to the home page.
There's no option for that, he said.
Yes there is, I said, click the logo.
The look on his face when he clicked it was a picture. Like I'd given him the universal cheat code for all websites.
I was shocked that he didn't know this was a thing. After working on web applications for almost a decade it's something I barely think twice about these days.?
It's very similar to when we build our own websites. Often, we can't see the wood for the trees.
We know what we want our visitors to do, because we built it.
BUT the real skill is in making sure our visitors get the message too.
One of the easiest ways to do that is to be clear in your calls to action, and to use them consistently.
Let's say you're a coach. You want to sell your 1:1 services, but before anyone signs up you need to make sure they're a good fit.
That could mean either a discovery call, or application form (or both).
you decide on discovery calls because you don't want to stick to a standard set of questions.
So your calls to action should reflect this.
Instead of the bog standard 'Find out more' or the snoozefest 'Learn more' say 'Book your discovery call'.
This way, when a visitor clicks the button, they know they'll very likely be redirected to an appointment scheduler.
And you will need to use it more than once on each page.
Because not all visitors will be ready to click it at the same point on each page.
Some people will land on your page with this sole purpose. They've seen something on socials or they've clicked through from your email list and they're ready to go.
If they have to scroll right to the bottom of the page to find the button, they might get frustrated and leave before they find it.
Some people might want to spend some time reading each page thoroughly, checking out testimonials and other relevant info before they're ready to schedule that call.
If they have to scroll all the way back to the top to find it, you could be hit with frustration here too.
Think of it as a gentle prompt rather than a pushy sales tactic.
This is one of the topics I'll be diving deeper into during my Winning Website Workshop on 2nd Jan 10:30am UK time. It's free in return for signing up to my email list.
It will be a super practical session where I'll help you work through my best tips for getting your website working harder for you
The aim is for you to walk away with a list of actionable steps that you can implement to help you get more clients and enquiries from your website.
There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions as we go through, as well as pauses for you to work through, the information I've given you so you know how to apply it to your on site.
I hope to see you there
I'm running The Winning Website Workshop on 2nd Dec at 10:30 am UK time (click the link to be registered automatically).
It's a free, super practical session designed to help you whip your website into shape ready for 2023.