Be Like George
“A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed later.” -George Patton
So many of us get stuck in the planning phase and never get to the “actually doing something” phase!
?If you have ever tried to create a fitness plan for yourself, you know exactly how daunting it can be! Try typing “the best workout program” into Google and see what you find!
There is so much conflicting and downright stupid information out there, that it will take you years of research just to start untying the knot of confusion.
Here’s the point:
Find a plan that fits your goals, your lifestyle, and everything else that we discussed on Friday. Then, like Patton’s quote says, execute that plan violently.
?Once you get going, you will learn how to better refine your plan, and it will get progressively better as you go along!
?If we are constantly waiting to find the perfect plan, nothing is ever going to actually happen!
Make it happen this week!
Have a Wonderful Day!