Like a Dog with a Bone
Dan Weedin
Risk Advisor / Crisis Navigator / Insurance Strategist / Speaker, Author, Podcaster and Candidate for Mayor of Poulsbo 2025
You've heard that old axiom, "like a dog with a bone." It means holding on to what you love with a ferocious intensity. Maybe the person that coined the phrase owned a Jack Russell terrier.
Captain Jack has two speeds: Off and Jack modes. When he's in "off mode," he appears to be the sweetest, most serene dog you'd ever like to see. He "attacks" his rest period with the same level of concentration that he exhibits when he moves to Jack mode.
Jack mode is an intensity, desire, and ferocity that is unrivaled. The key attributes of it is are steely stare, a body position that appears ready to strike after a snake or rodent, and a dogged indefatigability that refuses to give up regardless the odds against. As I write this missive, I just watched an Under Armour commercial that declared, The Only Way Is Through. That's Jack Mode.
In business, we often start our careers and businesses out in full "Jack Mode." We have everything to lose so tenacity is our mindset. All too often, it's easy to lose that mode subsequent to some success and comfort. The problem with this trap is that it's really difficult to escape once ensnared. Falling into a "comfort mode," like a dog who has given up on bones, may be one of the top financial and viability risks to any business. And there's no insurance to cover it. Once in this mode, stagnation and decline follow. Morale drops, revenues, drop, and before one knows it, company valuation and wealth are all chewed up.
The goal is to have a healthy balance of "Off and Jack" modes. We need to approach our businesses and careers with that high level of determination and resilience; in other words moxie, grit, and doggedness. This means a steely focus on revenue growth, marketing, profitability, employee morale, brand and reputation, and (this one is really important) emerging opportunities and risks.
The balance part means to know when to be like Captain Jack and turn it off to refresh and rejuvenate. Dogs are innately aware that rest is critical to being on top of their games when the time to "work" comes. We should do the same. Practice your own balance activities to make sure when it's "Jack Mode," your way is "through." That will lead to dog-gone great results for your business, career, and life.
Be Unleashed!
Quote of the Day:
"The suspense is terrible. I hope that it will last."
~ Oscar Wilde
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