Like Butterflies: Two Tips to Speaking Good Words
I was recently inspired by a post that said good words are like butterflies.
Reading that post came after a friend told me she heard a mom tell her little boy to "shut the hell up." I don't know about you, but that makes me cringe inside.
Understanding the power of words can be the difference between joy and sorrow for someone. A blessing or a curse. The joy of hearing I love you versus the pain of hearing shut the hell up.
The analogy of the butterfly, I believe, is how you feel the moment the butterfly flits near you, zig-zagging about. Do you watch until it flutters away from sight? They are beautifully mesmerizing. I am as captivated as if it were Tinker Bell dancing in the wind around me.
What words would you choose if you could speak a butterfly into existence?
An interesting question, isn't it?
You may not be able to speak a butterfly into existence, but words do take on form. Words should be thought out before they are spoken, especially in anger.
I know this is harder than said, but words are powerful, spoken over you, spoken to someone else, or even about someone else. Spoken words are life or death. Joy or sorrow. Love or hate.
So, as I thought about it, I thought I'd go a bit deeper with this and write out two tips, not only for you but for me as well.
Tip One: Specificity
As a fingerprint is unique, and no two snowflakes are alike, a specific word to someone should be unique. A mother with three kids can tell you each child is different from the others, and she can usually describe their differences in great detail, too.
When encouraging someone, give them specifics. They don't have to be mindblowing or even every time, just simply specific when it fits. Specificity makes more of an impact. Examples-You are making real progress in making complete sentences. I like how you drew the ears on that dog. You hit that high note perfectly.
Versus: I liked your essay. That's a good drawing. You sing better than your sister.
Tip Two: Sincerity
The Bible says a good word spoken in due season is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. Gold and silver are metals that signify prosperity. Each time you say a kind word to someone, you hand them a spiritual golden apple. But what does this mean? Honestly, specific words can be spoken without being sincere.
Sincere words feel alive. They come from the heart, and they have a higher vibration to them. Charismatic people are good at getting others to do something by saying the right words. But if you are in the practice of noticing the vibration behind those words, you'll notice they are flat if they are from the pit of manipulation. They can sound sincere, but sincere words spoken have warmth to them.
Good words have beauty, and once spoken, they strike the heart like the sight of a butterfly does. A feeling of pure love, especially spoken genuinely, spoken specifically. You may not think they are alive, but they are.
Good words flutter silently and land softly and revive a crushed soul.
They are nourishment for the mind, and they do not dissipate into the air but sink deeply into one's being as healthy seeds that will germinate and grow.
My mother rarely compliments me, not because she doesn't love me, but because it isn't a part of her nature. She hugs me and kisses my cheek and is always kind to me, but words are not her thing. However, when she says something she thinks I did well or am good at, I feel it vibrate inside, making me happy. It's powerful. It's usually specific and always sincere.
It took me a long time to figure this out about her.
Specificity with sincerity will impact the soul you are interacting with. It's just being real. Real in a positive way. These two strategies together are apples of gold in settings of silver.
We don't always have to be spot on with this, but when the opportunity knocks and your heart whispers to your soul to say something nice, don't hesitate. Speak a butterfly into existence and give it away.
Much love,
Helping Coaches Talk About What They Do ? Brand + Messaging Coach ? Stationary Digital Nomad
2 年This is a wonderful article! Such an important message. ??