Like Attracts Like
Hon. George Mentz (JD MBA CILS CWM KSG YBhg Int'l Lawyer)
CEO & Int'l Lawyer, Chairman Police Commissioner, Chancellor/Law Professor, Frhr Seigneur Fief Blondel YBhg Datuk Seri Author 100 Books 200K Followers- Sicilian Hispanic Egyptian Asian EU Aspen Commission Chancellor WAC
Like Attracts Like
To begin our psychological, existential, and ontological discussion, Let's talk about Like Attracting Like. In the world of quantum physics, electrons in the outer shells of an atom can be attracted to the positively charged nucleus of another atom, leading to the formation of chemical bonds. Thus, our Likeness attracts certain people places and things.
Your mental likeness, your physical likeness and your spiritual likeness attracts several things including your health, your body type, your relationships, your jobs, your opportunities, and your self-regard.
To make big advances, you must:
Get into the groove of life and learn what gives you joy. Many jobs are labor of love for many folks and that is why they are so successful. Give life a chance!