Lignin~Complex Organic Polymers~Cancer~Biotics~Tree Bark~Ash Particles~Mechanical Stress~Acoustic Phonons~Fluid Shear~Multifaceted Connection
Anne Stanford
Corporate Assistant /CEO and CFO at Braintree Corporation Bioscience, Biomedical, Translational Research
As, For “Space Ash”, As, For A Sudden Release Of Pressure, As, To Cause Gases In Magma, As, To Spume, As, To Break Apart Magma, As, Into Fragmentation, As, Creating Volcanic “Ash”, As, To Be Ejected Into The Atmosphere Of Hot Planets, As, To Solidify, As, “Ash Particles”, As, For “Tree Barks”, As, Human Medicinal, As, A. Peregrina, As, For A. Colubrina, As, “Lignin”, As, For Peregrina And Colubrina, As, Chemically “Ash”, Suberin, As, For Suberin, As, To Protect Plants From Waterloss, As, For “Lignin”, As, For Outer Bark Phellogen, As, Cells That Grow Inward, As, For M. Peregrina Leaf, As, Used For Human Skin, As, To Treat Human Paralysis, As, For Human Skin Rashes, As, For Bioactive Phytochemcials, As, For Lignin, As, To Inhibit Human Cell Proliferation, As, To Induce Transcriptional Human Gene Changes, As, For Cancer Progression, As, For Lignin, As, Outer Bark Of Trees, As, Human Anti-Cancer Effects, As, For “Lignin”, As, “Complex Organic Polymers”, As, Support Tissues In Plants, As, For “Molecules”, As, In Interstellar Medium, As, For “Complex Organics Forming”, As, To Have “Biotic Potentiality”, As, For Biotics, As, Naturally Ocurring Organisms, As, Within A System, As, For Biotics, As, In Plants, As, For “Lignin” Complex Organic Polymer, As, A 3-Dimensional Amorphous “Polymer”, As, High Molecular Weight, As, For Polymers, As, Grains Ejected, As, From Giant Cooled Stars, As, To Aquire Mantles Of “Organic Polymers”, As, For Tree Bark, As, Generating “Mechanical Stress”, As, For “Asymmetrical” Mechanical Stress, As, Around The Circumference Of Tree Trunks, As, For Branches, As, For Stress Formed In “Wood”, As, Tree’s Maturation Of “Cell Walls”, As, For Human Cancer Cells, As, To Experience Mechanical Stress, As, When They Invade Human Normal Tissues, As, For “Mechanical Stress”, As, To Regulate Proliferation, As, To Induce “Cell Shape Changes”, As, “Forces” Exerted Onto Cells, As, For Tumors, As, For “High Mechanical Stress”, As, For Altering “Metabolism” Of Human Cancer Cells, As, For Compressive, As, Of Tumor Spheroids, As, For “Shear Stress”, As, In Trees, As, For Wood Fibers, As, Arranged, As, Along The “Force Flow”, As, To Lighten Shear Stresses, As, Between Tree’s Fibers, As, For Tree Stresses, As, “Compression, Tension And “Shear”, As, For Biotics, As, For Human Infection, As, For “Transmission Intensity”, As, Partial Transmittance And Partial Reflectance, As, A Wave Through A “Medium”, As, For Human Biotics, As, Motioned, As, From Physical “Prompting”, As, To “Evoke”, As, Biotic Potentiality, As, For “Force Of Infections”, As, A Result From “Living Things”, As, For Biotics In Trees, As, For Insects, Dis-eases, Fungi, As, For “Biotic Stress”, As, Damage, As, For Human Infections, Microbes, As, To Be Driven By “Force”, As, For “Fluid Shear”, As, For Fluid Shear, As, In Our Human Arteries, As, For Fluid Stress, As, Generated By Our Human Blood Flow, As, For “Biomechanical Force”, As, To Modulate Human Endothelial Composition, As, Through Changes, As, In Our Gene Expression, As, For Dysregulation Of Human Gene Expressions, As, To Cause Many Human Dis-eases, As, For Transcription Regulation, As, For Human Fluid Shear Forces, As, For “Shear Stress”, As, “Friction” Between Our Human Fluid “Particles”, As, For Our Fluid Viscosity, As, For Human Fluid Shear Forces “Regulate” Our Human Dis-ease, As, To Progress, As, For Human Fluid Flow And Hydrodynamic Force, As, For “Mechanical Force”, As, For Human Cancer Mestastasis, As, For Circulatory Tumor Cells, As, Motioned By Blood Flow, As, For Human Soft Tissues, Mechanical Forces, As, For Fluid Shear Stress, As, For “Hydrostatic Pressure”, Tension, As, For “Compressive Force”, As, For “Sound”, As, A “Mechanical Force Wave”, As, For It’s Major Unit, As, A “Phonon”, As, For “Acoustic” Phonons, As, For Their Resonance, As, For “Disorganizing” Our Cell’s Microstructure, As, For “Universal Sound”, As, Cosmic Sound, As, For “Three Sounds”, As, Converting Sunlight, As, Through Photoacoustic Effect, As, Into Audible Sound, As, “Low Pulsing Sound”, As, Of Our Star’s Sun, As, For Electromagnetic Radiation, As, Many Electromagnetic “Frequencies”, As, For “Pigments”, As, Connected To “Infrared Spectral Regions”, As, Photoacoustic Effects, As, For Acoustic “Signals”, As, For Motions, As, Photothermal, As, For Interstellar Temperature Pulsations, Gas Phase, As, Pressure Changes, As, For Light Intensities, As, For “Photochemical Reactions”, As, Following “Light Absorption”, As, For Pigments, As, For Light Wavelengths That Pigments Don’t Absorb, As, Reflected Light, As, Our “Color”, As, For Chlorophyll Molecules, As, To Reflect Green Light, As, For Green Light On Healthy Cells Around Tumors, As, “Protection”, As, By Switching Off Inhibitors That Cells Have Absorbed, As, For Human Cancer Cells Increase Cytotoxicity, As, After “Green Light Exposure”, As, For Phonon, As, Edges, As, “Quanta” Of Sound Vibrational Energy, As, “Confined”, As, For Human Crystalline-Based Mineral Structural Systematics, As, For “Molecular Phonons”, As, “Particles Of Sound” Or “Heat”, As, For Phonon, Quasiparticles Have Different “Frequencies”, As, To “Mix” Together, As, To Generate “Superimposed Wavelengths”, As, For Tree Bark, As, Involved In Generating “Mechanical Stress”, As, In Many Tree Species, As, For Plant’s Single Leaf, As, To Generate 150 Volts, As, For Our Soil, As, To Generate Electrical Power, As, For Microbial Fuel Cells, As, To Convert Chemical Energy, As, From Soil “Space Formed” Organic Compounds, As, Into Electricity, As, By “Electrogenic Microorganisms”, As, For Exoelectrogenic Bacterial Strains, As, To Generate Electrical Energy, As, By The Oxidation Of “Organic Matter”, As, To Transfer “Electrons”, As, To An Electron Acceptor, As, Outside Of Their Cells, As, For “Exo”, As, For Exoelectrogens, Microorganisms, As, For Treating Human Serious Diseases, As, For Their Ability, As, To Move Electrons, As, For Microbial Fuel Cells, As, For Electrons, As, From “Biochemical Reactions”, As, Catalyzed By Bacteria, As, For Microbial Fuel Cell, As, The Energy That Our Cellular Respiration “Creates”, As, For Green Pigment, As, For Trees And Plants, As, For Green, As, For Sound Vibrations, As, For “Movements” Affect How Energy Flows Through Pigments, As, To Bring Noise, As, To Inefficiency Into Systematics, As, For Certain Sound Frequencies, As, Having An Affect, As, On Growth, As, For Green Pigment Molecule, As, “Chlorophyll”, As, To Absorb Light At Different Wavelengths, As, For Pigments, As, Specialized “Space Formed Organic Molecules”, As, For Chlorophyll Molecules Have A Central Magnesium Atom, As, For Magnesium Deficiency, As, A Risk Factor, As, In Some Human Cancers, As, For Our High Ordering Mental Functionality, As, Involving Our Cerebral Cortex, As, Layered And Columnar Lattice Structured, As, Multifaceted Complexity, As, Involving Our Neural Strata, As, To Orchestrate Our High Ordering Mental Functions, As, Complexity, As, For Our Creation Of New Neural Pathways, As, Our Inter-Complexity, As, Of Multilevel Simultaneous Connection. Thank-you.