Lights On: Power Summit 2024
Photo credit: David Plas

Lights On: Power Summit 2024

This week, we turned the Lights On at Power Summit 2024, hosting over 500 participant, 70 speakers, 50 journalists, 40 sponsors and partners, 10 sessions and two reports live at the Grand Resort venue in Lagonissi, Greece. The event, hosted by our member PPC S.A. , was a major success and we are happy to be giving you a quick snapshot of everything that went on at #PowerSummit2024.

Day 1

Opening with a word from our Secretary General, Kristian Ruby , we were then treated to a quick intervention by Maxim Timchenko , CEO of Ukrainian utility DTEK , who ran us through his efforts to keep the lights on in Ukraine amid the chaos of war.

Maxim Timchenko, CEO DTEK (left) | Sasha Twining, Radio Journalist and TV Presenter (right)

Following this, we jumped into the opening discussion between Leo Birnbaum CEO of E.ON and President of Eurelectric and Georgios Stassis , Chairman and CEO of PPC Group and Vice President of Eurelectric in conversation with Dimitris Papalexopoulos Chair or Titan Cement and moderated by Andrea Falciai , EMEA Utilities Industry Lead, 埃森哲 .?Topics of discussion ranged on the three ‘I’s: implementation, infvestment, and infrastructure. With differing perspectives from the CEOs across Europe and sectors, it was clear that there is room for collaboration between the power sector and industry on these points, enabling us to keep lights on for Europe while realising decarbonisation goals and safeguarding the continent's competitiveness.

Left to right: Andrea Falciai, EMEA Utilities Industry Lead, Accenture | Leonhard Birnbaum, CEO E.ON and President Eurelectric | Dimitri, Papalexopoulos, Chair Titan Cement | Georgios Stassis, Chairman & CEO of PPC Group and Vice President Eurelectric

This panel then gave way to an interview with Maví Zingoni , CEO of GE Vernova ’s Power Businesses,?led by?Power Summit’s Master of Ceremonies,? Sasha Twining , a Radio Journalist and TV Presenter.?Extrapolating from today where GE Vernova ia a novel spinoff company, the discussion focused on what GE Vernova expects for the coming years and what technologies they are preparing for their customers striving to create that future.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister Greece

We were then treated once again to a keynote delivered by the?Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis , who?gave an optimistic overview of what Greece has achieved in the past years and what it’s striving to do with its energy transition.

Leonhard Birnbaum, CEO E.ON and Eurelectric President (left) | Maria da Gra?a Carvalho, Energy Minister for the Environment and Energy Portugal

Finally, President Birnbaum returned to the stage to present Maria Da Gra?a Carvalho , the now Energy Minister for the Environment and Energy in Portugal and former MEP with the first-ever Eurelectric Energy Leadership Award. During her time as an MEP, Carvalho was instrumental as Shadow Rapporteur on the Electricity Market Design reform, and the Rapporteur for the REMIT reform. Carvalho tuned in live to receive the award and speak to Power Summit goers.

Grids for Speed

Shifting gears, our plenary on Grids for Speed went full speed ahead, starting off with a presentation of the Grids for Speed study by Kristian Ruby. His presentation gave a clear message: the future is electric, and this electric future depends on our grids. We need to invest, and invest rapidly, with clear strategies for prudence that will enable us to achieve climate goals and European energy security.

Left to right: Sasha Twining (moderator) | Claudia Blanco (Innovation and Partnerships General Manager GE Vernova Electrification Business) | Oliver Franz (Vice President European Regulation E.ON) | Mechthild W?rsd?rfer (Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Energy) | Serge Colle (Global Energy and Resources Leader at EY)

A panel debate followed suit, including Global Energy and Resources Leader?at 安永 , Serge Colle , alongside Deputy Director-General,?at the?Directorate-General for Energy, Mechthild Worsdorfer , Vice?President?of European Regulation, E.ON, Oliver Franz ?and Claudia Blanco , Innovation and Partnerships General Manager?at?GE Vernova’s Electrification Business. Moderated by the animated Sasha Twining, the conversation delved into?key points from the report presented by Kristian Ruby, with all the panelists welcoming the study and agreeing that the investment level – the key finding of the study – was in line with many of their own projections, including the European Commission ’s.

For more information about the Grids for Speed study done in collaboration with EY, and to download, visit the dedicated webpage.

Power Talks?

Splitting from here into three panels, we discussed Electricity Market Design, Security of Supply and EU 2040 in overlapping sessions. On:

  • Electricity Market Design:?Former?MEP Carvalho provided an initial intervention with first-hand knowledge of the reform given her work on the file. The panel then discussed the outstanding concerns post-revision and explored how the structure, dynamics and features of the next generation of European power markets can facilitate a more consumer-centric approach and expedite the deployment of clean and renewable energy. The final conclusion was that implementation remains key – it is in the?Member States' court?to implement the reform and ensure that a stable internal energy market that works is upheld across the Bloc.
  • Security of Supply: This panel discussed mostly the role of flexibility in balancing a system that is based increasingly on variable renewable energy. With perspectives from across the EU with countries dealing with different energy mixes and starting places in the transition, what was clear, and pointed out by keynote speaker, Lari J?rvenp??, Vice-President Customer and Market Intelligence at Fortum is that security of supply means different things at different times and places. Today, it is certainly about keeping the lights on in the face of a system that is widely electrified, as asserted by Mechthild W?rsd?rfer.
  • ?EU 2040:?This?panel discussed the EU's path towards the ambitious, yet achievable 90% emission reductions target to be reached in the next only 16 remaining years ahead of us. The panelists united around the fact that the actions we take today and the regulatory frameworks we set up will dictate the fate of our economies in more than a decade from now and either make or brake our net zero aspirations. Renewable and clean energy sources deployment at scale to power electrification, expanded, reinforced and modernised grid infrastructure, and a specific focus on hard to abate sectors is what experts jointly agree that will holistically deliver on a real transition, that also needs to be just and not leave anyone behind.


Next, our final plenary of day one took place, marking the pre-launch of our report on digitalisation of the grids created with our knowledge partner, Accenture, Wired for Tomorrow. Introducing the topic, Ray Pinto , Senior Director for Digital Transformation Policy at DIGITALEUROPE set the scene in the realm of digital and what it might mean for the power sector before Pim Spierenburg , EMEA T&D Lead for Utilities at Accenture dove into the findings of the report.

Followed by a reaction by Sabine Erlinghagen , CEO of 西门子 Grid Software, we moved into a panel discussion including Pim Spierenburg, David Kirkland , Solutions and Innovation Director at Oracle Energy and Water , Miguel Ochoa , Global Grid Technology Director of 华为 , Andrei Covatariu, Co-Chair of the Task Force on ‘Digitalisation in Energy’ at United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and Christian Buchel, Board Member of Enedis and Chairman of E.DSO. To round out discussions for the day, the panelists built on the investment needs discussed during the Grids for Speed session and built on it providing insights on how digitalisation plays a part in preparing the grid for tomorrow.

Day 2

Electric Talk

Left to right: Sasha Twining (moderator) | Michael Liebreich (CEO Liebreich Associates) | Arshad Mansoor (CEO and President EPRI)

This morning, we opened day 2 with an invigorating electric discussion opened with two presentations from Michael Liebreich, CEO of Liebreich Associates?and?Arshad Mansoor, President of EPRI.?Michael Liebreich?got the ball rolling talking all about electrification – its trajectory, its uses and what the electric future can look like. Then Arshad Mansoor presented on some challenges this electrification presents, as well as the challenges to electrify, but nonetheless ended on a positive note, showing how electrification can and should lead to greater energy affordability.

Left to right: Sasha Twining (Radio Journalist and TV Presenter) | Michael Liebreich (CEO Liebrech Associates) | Arshad Mansoor (CEO and President EPRI) | Ana Paula Marques (Executive Board Member EDP) | Kristian Ruby (Secretary General Eurelectric)

After these two lively presentations, Eurelectric Secretary General, Kristian Ruby, joined the stage as well as Ana Paula Marques, an Executive Board Member at EDP to engage further on the points from the presentation. A key theme was on artificial intelligence (AI), an often overlooked but electricity-intensive up-and-coming wave that will have broad implications for managing the grid. The parting words around electrification the speakers left us with were “Let’s get on with it” (Liebreich), “Act and think differently than we have before” (Mansoor), “Let’s ensure technologies help reduce the cost of copper” (Ruby) and “Let’s act now” (Marques).

Left to right: Pat O'Doherty (Former Eurelectric President) | Chiara Belforti | Anton Konincks

Following that, we also presented the Ana Aguado Scholarship to our two worthy winners: Chiara Belforti and Anton Konincks. Presenting the award was a previous?Eurelectric President, Pat O'Doherty.?The winners will get to attend the Florence School of Regulation's (FSR) summer program where eight previous rounds of scholarship recipients have had the opportunity to attend as well. The Scholarship is provided in collaboration with E.DSO, ENTSO-E and FSR.

Power Talks

Like yesterday, we split off into three power talks following the plenary session this morning. Today we covered the topics of PowerPlant II, corporate energy sourcing and keeping the lights on for industry. On:

  • Power Plant II - How to Do the Energy Transition Big and Fast Enough in Harmony with Nature?:?This session focused on how the new build-out of renewables and grids can be done in harmony with nature. Following a keynote on the renewables targets for Greece by Greek Deputy Minister for Environment and Energy, Alexandra Sdoukou, Jonny Miller from WSP presented the preliminary findings of the upcoming Eurelectric PowerPlant 2.0 report, noting how the power sector can contribute to biodiversity protection at system level through decarbonisation and at project level with good design. Finally, the panel discussed the challenges, regulatory framework and communication needs to scale up nature positive projects.
  • Corporate Energy Sourcing:?This session explored the growing role of large corporate buyers in driving the energy transition thanks to their large demand for carbon-free energy, with a focus on hourly matching strategies. A diverse panel offered several original insights into the topic. Among the key takeaways, there was a clear consensus on the benefits that greater temporal correlation between electricity consumption and production brings to corporates aiming to decrease their carbon footprint. Also, green hydrogen legislation was identified as a key policy driver in spurring demand for increasingly more granular guarantees of origins (GOs) and hourly-matched energy sourcing strategies.
  • Lights on for Industry:?This session brought into spotlight the interplay between climate and trade policies. Certainty and regulatory stability emerged as key elements in fostering the necessary investment in clean and renewable technologies, grids and interconnections. The difference between the European and US approach was also highlighted. While the EU has a tendency to be prescriptive, the US through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has been “clear on the what and loose on the how, allowing market players to be creative and explore ways of action” - as highlighted by Gonzalo Garcia, Co-Head Investment Banking in EMEA at Goldman Sachs.

Executive Dialogue – Lighting the Way

Attila Steiner, State Secretary for Energy and Climate Policy, Hungarian Ministry of Energy

Wrapping up Power Summit, we brought the big names to the stage. Our final keynote speaker, Attila Steiner, State Secretary for Energy and Climate Policy at the Ministry of Energy in Hungary, highlighted what his country, the next in line for the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the EU has in store for energy. His three priorities: implemtnation, infrastructure and electrification.

Left to right: Sasha Twining (moderator) | Károly Mátrai (CEO MVM) | Markus Rauramo (Vice-President Eurelectric & CEO Fortum) | Georgios Stassis (Vice President Eurelectric & Chairman and CEO PPC Group)

Our moderator, Sasha Twining, then led the closing panel debate, with Markus Rauramo, Vice-President of Eurelectric & CEO at Fortum, Georgios Stassis, Vice President of Eurelectric and Chairman and CEO of PPC Group and Károly Mátrai, CEO of MVM. With telling polling questions on the mood of the participants as well as Europeans, the CEOs had a very open and frank discussion about what has changed, why it has and why that’s impacting voters ahead of EU elections. Looking ahead, there seemed to be a common position that the industry should take steps to improve acceptance of the Green Deal and the energy transition. This, to empower Europe, to unite Europe and to keep the Lights On.

A number of other discussions took place on the sidelines, including podcasts, roundtables, lunches, meetings, press conferences, interviews and more. To see everything that took place over the two days, see the photo gallery here. We look forward to welcoming you to Power Summit again next year, back in Brussels!

Elly Kreijkes-Snijders

Advisor EM-Power Europe @ EMPower_energy | Director at OSGP Alliance

10 个月

It was an amazing event! Very well organised, excellent speakers, great content and valuable networking opportunities and this all taking place at a wonderful location in beautiful Greece! Congratulations and a big thank you from your event partner EM-Power Europe??



