The Lightning Strikes Podcast
Tim Padgett
Strategic and tactical partner for companies looking to be more competitive in their marketplace.
I was recently asked by Linda McCabe to be on her new podcast, Lightning Strikes. I was seriously concerned that I might not be of the same caliber of her other guests. But she had a great way of bringing out some stories of my evolution and getting me to examine how I got here.
Should you have a few minutes, and have often wondered how I got this goofy, check it out. Luckily she did some strategic editing and kept me focused—for the most part. If you get a tip or trick from it, you can buy me a beer the next time we get together.
If you think you might have a story or two to tell, please reach out to me and I'll introduce you to Linda. She is always looking for people who have experienced Lightning Bolt Moments. It was a fun and introspective experience.