Let their light shine.
Today is International Day of Education. An annual celebration of 'empowering people with the light of education, peace and prosperity.'
Ultimately, every day is really the International Day of Education.
For every day, the educators charged with keeping our children centred walk into their classrooms with considered lesson plans and the determination to create curiosity in every child they are privileged to teach. This is no mean feat, and we celebrate the unrelenting commitment they show to this endeavour.
At our school, every child is taught that the classroom is not the only place for learning. The forest, the fruit shop, and the footpath provide equal opportunity to inquire, to question, and to experience something new.
Teaching our children that they will never stop learning is an important part of schooling today; we aim to instill in them the importance of always asking questions, of challenging interpretations, and of being true to the values we are working to instill in them, chief amongst them, their self-belief. Text books and technology cannot ever replace human connection, and we would do well to remember this as we grow our young people to be confident of self, and secure in their own skin.
On days like today, where we collectively celebrate the power of education, and the importance of empowerment so that we can indeed change the world, we recognise that education is evolutionary.
That it never stops.
That no matter how old we are, how wise we believe ourselves to be, the light of learning can never diminish if we continue to challenge, to construct, and to create the very opportunities that, we, and our young people need, to be passionate, to reach for their potential, and to understand and accept the responsibility they have to use their fundamental right to learn, to push hard in the direction of their dreams so that they can keep their light burning, forever.