Lighthouses Light the Way
No, because they are not allowed to look here, and, that's a lie. They are open to the public, and, they can be looked up, and, researched, practically at a moment's notice, if, you are near a library, or, computer.
They are coastline structures for marine and other ocean and ship traffic that at night send a permanent signal by use of a klieg beam type light out to the ocean's or sea's horizon.
This morning is perfectly wonderful. Everything is underway at waiting for the memorial's start in quiet tones and occasional conversations. The day, 9/11/01, will know only my hatred. It has today been 20 years and none of my thoughts and emotions about it have changed.
The reason often given for their fame is if a ship wreck is within sight of it at sea the lighthouse will provide a beacon providing the direction of the shoreline. Or, akin to, a beacon in the night providing a true north.
They are landmarks for ships, local people interested in maritime traffic, and, others.
So much time has gone by and there is no real way to complete this now. Maybe in an hour. I'm always glad to be back. It's been such slow going for a long, long, time. Do not let your tales of woe grow so perhaps this is enough of me for now.
The night and a quick timezone glance for happy hour everywhere one time zone at a time. It is past sundown and dark enough to render the shafts of light shining from the nearest towers magical.