The milestones of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Aziz Shayhidin

The milestones of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

During the presentation of our product, we mention that the solutions that the Dolon platform offers are fully in line and allow companies to work according to the principles of Industry 4.0. Why is this important??

At the beginning of the upcoming, productive week, Dolon's editorial team (editorial - that's a big word) came across an extremely entertaining document, "The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Targeted benchmarks for industrial technology and innovation" prepared by the World Economic Forum in cooperation with McKinsey & Company. Having studied the material and passed it through ourselves, we wanted to share a certain extract, which, as we think, will be very interesting to our audience.

You can read the full version of the document by following this link

Let's start with introductory words from Helena Leurent (head of the system program Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing and Production, WEF) and Enno de Boer (head of the international expert group for production organization, McKinsey & Company):

"The bright light of lighthouses, penetrating the fog and darkness, has long been the salvation of seafarers. Lighthouses have served as guiding lights for the safe passage of ships. At the 2018 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, held in Davos and Closters, Switzerland, leaders of public and private organizations decided to search widely for manufacturing companies of all kinds that are at the forefront of innovating the fourth industrial revolution. Through the unified platform of the World Economic Forum, these cutting-edge enterprises, dubbed "beacons" of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, are on a path of unique experience to improve the manufacturing environment.?

In industrial production, productivity has not grown for a decade, and demand has been highly fragmented, making innovation long overdue. Organizations that have been able to overcome the pilot phase of Industry 4.0 innovation and scale solutions have seen unprecedented efficiency gains with minimal staff reductions. However, many companies appear to be firmly stuck in the "pilot swamp." The widespread widespread adoption of technologies from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which requires a collaborative effort between business and government, would accelerate prosperity, benefiting all of society.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution in manufacturing represents a new factor in economic growth, with previously unexplored opportunities for learning and value-adoption. Adopting technology in accordance with an overarching vision to improve the world around us will help strengthen the global economy and make our planet cleaner."

The authors of the study reveal the topic and show the experience of successful implementation of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution on the example of beacon companies. "Beacons" of the fourth industrial revolution are companies that have widely implemented pilot schemes of new technologies and integrated them into production, thus gaining significant financial and operational advantages.?

Among the "beacons" there are representatives of both large and small businesses, and they are present in both developed and developing countries. The application of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing is viable even in low labor costs. The radical changes resulting from innovations of the fourth industrial revolution are available for companies of all sizes.

The main directions of the transformation of production during the fourth industrial revolution are defined by three global technological trends:?

  • Networked integration.?
  • Intelligent technologies??
  • Flexible automation

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The fourth industrial revolution is fundamentally different from the programs of continuous improvement that have dominated manufacturing plants for decades. It is not supposed to be a gradual development, but a qualitative leap with the achievement of new standards. Three tools to help accelerate the adoption of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies: the value creation mechanism, the scaling mechanism, and general management model. The value creation mechanism, based on the real-world experience of adopting technologies "Industry 4.0, emphasizes the special role of intelligent technologies, network integration and flexible automation. The scaling mechanism for broad technology adoption covers aspects such as mobilization, strategy and innovation. The shared governance model highlights stakeholder action lines to accelerate technology adoption.

Five ways to create value using Industry 4.0 technologies are highlighted for widespread impact.

Decision-making based on big data analysis Decisions are made not based on hypotheses, but on the results of big data analysis using methods to identify patterns without human involvement

Democratized technologies Production technology is transforming the way we work: Operators are developing their own solutions and applications to simplify and automate their tasks

Working according to Agile principles When implementing new use cases, it is recommended to follow Agile methodology, which allows you to quickly validate the concept, improve the solution based on the experience gained, and quickly move from pilot to deployment

Minimal additional cost to add new use cases In the fourth industrial revolution, new use cases can be deployed with minimal additional cost, enabling enterprises to cover several areas at once

New business models The technologies of the fourth industrial revolution enable the development of new business models that complement and/or radically change traditional business approaches and value creation models

Contrary to fears about the displacement of human labor from manufacturing, Industry 4.0 technologies do not involve replacing workers with robots. A McKinsey study shows that 62% of professions have at least 30% of their tasks automated at the current level of technology. Consequently, the labor of production workers can become less routine and more interesting, diverse and productive. At all stages of their careers, workers are faced with new tasks and responsibilities that require the inherent human ability to make flexible decisions in a changing environment.

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It is interesting to note that the innovative technologies of the fourth industrial revolution are available not only to large enterprises, but also to representatives of small and medium businesses, which can achieve significant results using practical and low investment solutions. The importance of participation of SMEs in the processes of the fourth industrial revolution manifests itself in two aspects. First, it is important for the government. Most jobs are created by SMEs, for example, in most OECD countries, providing 60-70% of all jobs. For instance, in most OECD countries, it generates 60-70% of the jobs. In addition, SMEs play a significant role in the supply chain, and digitalization of this sector is important to optimize the supply networks of organizations of all sizes.

Despite the common perception that obsolete equipment and infrastructure hinder innovation in the fourth industrial revolution, most "beacons" have emerged precisely as a result of the transformation of existing enterprises. It is possible to gain a significant share of the benefits of Industry 4.0 technologies by connecting existing assets to the network, optimizing them, and selectively introducing new equipment. In contrast to the first and third industrial revolutions, the fourth allows you to get a significant effect with relatively low requirements for the modernization of equipment.

With the widespread adoption of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, companies' operations could change dramatically, and a careful analysis of one of the three global trends shows how powerful this effect could be. For example, a McKinsey Global Institute study notes a significant expected gap between companies that have embraced and adopted artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the first 5-7 years and other second-wave and laggard organizations. According to the study, AI pioneers can expect to see a compounded increase in cash flow of 122%, while followers will have to settle for a much smaller effect of 10%. This shows how important it is to adopt technology quickly: companies that do not respond to emerging trends in time risk missing out on significant benefits, while executives who are the first to implement without waiting for cheaper technology and lower modernization costs will have the most to gain. Thus, the most important factor is related to the competitive advantage of first movers, which turns out to be much more significant in comparison with the additional costs of modernization and capital expenditures associated with the development of new technologies.

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The fourth industrial revolution in manufacturing represents a new factor in economic growth with which previously unexplored opportunities for learning and value-adoption are linked. Adopting technology in accordance with an overarching vision to improve the world around us will help strengthen the global economy and make our planet cleaner.?

If you have any questions about what solutions Dolon provides its users with the capabilities of "Industry 4.0" technologies, please contact us in any way that is convenient for you:


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