Wisdom comes from many sources. For some, it comes from the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, or other religious document. For others, it may come from historical figures, or modern day leaders, heroes, and icons. And for many, it comes from all of these sources. I fit into the latter category.
But for me, one other place wisdom comes from is humor. I often find wisdom and reflection in short quips, memes, or stories of jest or humor. This type of wisdom reminds me of Rule 62 from an organization where I belong. Rule 62 states, “Don't take life too seriously.” Here are some words of wisdom or insights that I hope will remind you not to take life or yourself too seriously. I hope you get a chuckle and are not offended by any of these insights and pearls of wisdom!
- Saying “Have a nice day” to someone sounds friendly. But saying “Enjoy your next 24 hours” sounds ominous or threatening!
- Did you ever wonder why hemorrhoids are not called asteroids?
- I hear that cocaine is now legal in Oregon, but straws are not. That must be really frustrating!
- I asked my five-year-old daughter what she wanted for her birthday. She giggled, “I want unicorns, rainbows, and fairies!” So LSD it will be!
- The correct term for gluten-free, sugarless, vegan brownies is “compost!”
- A woman walked past me in a restaurant carrying a salad and said, “You know, a cow died so you could eat that beef burger,” to which I replied, “If you weren’t eating its food, it might have lived!”
- I am still trying to get my head around the fact that “take out” can mean a type of food/dining, dating, or murder.
- I threw my back out while sleeping. I tweaked my neck while sneezing. So I am probably one fart away from complete paralysis!
- “Dear Paranoid people who check behind the shower curtain for murderers: So, if you find one, what is your plan?”
- If McDonald’s sold hot dogs, would you be able, with a straight face, to order a McWeiner and tell them to “supersize” it?
- People who give directions like “head south” or “go due east” are not helpful—listen here Lewis and Clark—do I turn at the Chic-Fil-A or go towards Walmart?
- Courage is knowing something might hurt and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same thing. And that is why life is hard!
- The older I get, the more I understand why roosters just scream to start their day!
- Being popular on Facebook or Instagram is like sitting at the cool table at a mental hospital!
- And finally, the aha moment—when you realize the last day of 2023 will be 123123!
For a really fun time and a great place to learn and network, you may also want to attend the WSC? - Alberta Forum next month in Edmonton. There are limited seats left, but I have been granted a limited number of 20% discount offers for the WSC? 2023. If you would like one and will use it to register before the end of this month, please email me and I will give you the code.