Lighten Up Francis. Its The Holiday's.
There are a lot of things to be angry at during this holiday season. Gaza, Trump, Trolls, Tommy Tuberville, to name a few. Celebrating whichever religious holiday is up to you and your own happiness.
I have compiled a short list of things that may be causing unhappiness.
Limu Emu commercials are burning a hole in my brain. I need Liberty Mutual and Progressive to stop. I cannot believe that money I fork over to insurance companies is being used to put these commercials on the air.
People who say that inflation is being caused by the fed raising interest rates. No, inflation is being caused by corporations price gouging and making record profits.
Elon Musk.... That's it. I should have put him up on top.
"The Crown" series on Netflix. They kept changing actors and it's annoying.
Nutella the chocolate spread. Everyone knows that the Nutella corporation has somehow put an addictive chemical that is 100 times more addictive than Heroin in the delicious chocolatey spread.
Senior Citizen proof plastic packaging. I cannot get this open and I can't get up.
The last Beatles song "Now and Then," which sucked, but I feel bad because I loved the Beatles and I am experiencing guilt.
Kettle Cooked Potato Chips. If I wanted to break my teeth I would still be eating Corn Nuts.
The 2 Darrens on the sitcom, 'Bewitched.'
Gen Z peeps that have developed their own language so that we don't know what they are talking about.
The fact that "Cocaine Bear," won't receive an Oscar despite being the best movie in 2023.
Repurposed Halloween and Thanksgiving pumpkin spice smell. Yeah you are not fooling us by putting chemical flocked pine cones in plastic and wrapping a bow around it with the same pumpkin spice scent.