A Lightbulb Moment About the War We're In
Athena Holtz
Custom Collaborative Book Coaching for Ministry Minded Leaders with White Glove Publishing Solutions
It was an “ah hah” moment yesterday as I spoke to a long-time friend and military chaplain Ren Vandesteeg. I was asking what has changed since the guerilla warfare used in Vietnam, (I wrote about this topic in my memoir, “Full Circle”, describing the parallel with our enemy’s strategies to devour believers and make them ineffective in their walk). His answer resonated and illustrated how cunning the enemy is and how we can see it in the principles of military warfare.
“Athena, your examples from Vietnam are still true, but there’s another level of warfare that we are experiencing now, and it’s called terrorism.” “Here’s the difference between guerilla warfare and terrorism: guerilla warfare uses groups of people to go to war with their enemy in a clandestine effort to deceive and weaken and ultimately overtake them.”
I looked up the words just to make sure I understood it completely (emphasis mine):
Guerilla Warfare: THE USE OF SURPRISE RAIDS, SABOTAGE etc. by small mobile groups of irregular forces operating in enemy held territory. (Websters)
Clandestine: characterized by, done in, or EXECUTED WITH SECRECY or concealment, especially for PURPOSES OF SUBVERSION OR DECEPTION; private or surreptitious. (Dictionary.com)
Terrorism: the unlawful USE OF VIOLENCE OR THREATS TO INTIMIDATE OR COERCE a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives. (Dictionary.com)
So what’s the difference between clandestine or guerilla and terrorist tactics? Hmmm… Interesting how 60 years ago it was a secret or concealed attack, but today it’s in our faces. I don’t have to name all the ways we are seeing this!
My friend continued. “So, here’s the difference. While guerrilla warfare is GROUPS of people used by the government to further their agenda, terrorism is the use of INDIVIDUALS embedded into the lifestyle of a country with the chief aim to control. The best example of this is Muslim ideology. For the last 20 years Muslims infiltrated Europe, moving in, raising families, being part of the fabric of the community and country. Now all of Europe is under the cloud of imminent Muslim control, from political to religious.”
“The main element terrorism adds to guerilla warfare is that it often shows force openly in addition to clandestine force. For example, the latest epidemic in European countries we're witnessing is the public stabbing of elderly women. That's open, not clandestine attacks.”
I was stunned during this conversation but realized how much I’d already recognized the enemy working this way in the church in America.
Here are the areas I have watched Satan infiltrate:
I have long been troubled by the way pedophiles and other predators, even domestic abusers, have managed to find a safe haven in the church.?No one suspects these evil workers of iniquity because we are “proud” of our ability to forgive which paves the way for us to ignore red flags, deny the truth that comes out and end up silencing the victims. We’ve seen some denominations mishandle their leaders by sweeping it under the carpet which has allowed abuse to continue and results in more victims in the wake.
So when Connie Norris posted a live yesterday on Facebook about the excessive number of “pastors” and “youth pastors” arrested in the last 30 days for sexual abuse across the country, and then this conversation with my chaplain friend, to be followed by today’s post by Kay Kelly Mortimer? about The Chosen echoing my ongoing concerns, it all seemed to culminate.
The uncanny timing of seeing all this alarming documentation of enemy attacks on Christ and His followers and the new understanding of the warfare we are experiencing today in the church was not lost on me.
The strategy of TERRORISM is what we are facing in the church as it is infiltrated by individuals who abuse, lead astray, and yes deceive, if it is possible, even the elect … this is a huge wake up call for us!
Rather than minimizing the alarm as some do when people post about the things we have grown to love (entertainment and music for starters) we actually should be on our faces before God asking the questions:
“What if this is true?”
“What if I’m wrong?”
“What if I’ve been deceived?”
“What if what I’ve defended is actually a tool of the enemy to lead us astray?”
“Lord, please show me the Truth!”
May we all have the humility to ask the hard questions that may topple our idols. May our eyes be opened to the enemy strategies in our lives and churches and may we seek Him for courage to stand up for Truth.
Christian that loves the Lord, and looks to the Lord for guidance and everything I do. Easy to say hard to live. Believe in him, and ask for his forgiveness will give you the greatest peace you have ever experienced.
9 个月Thank you for sharing Athena! Very informative and useful for me in my approach with youth and young adults. I will share this. I pray that you have a great Mother’s Day!