Lightbulb moment
I have a complicated relationship with food and dealing with that relationship has enabled me to lose 10 stones and keep it off. I never had a “lightbulb moment”. See: this has not been the case for some of my clients, and, with their permission, I am going to share.
One client who had worked through my four workbooks as part of our 1:2:1 sessions talked about being angry when she went on a diet. She was angry because she didn’t like being told what to do. So she would go on a diet and have to abide by someone else’s rules. She was very successful at being on diets, even though she spent a lot of time being annoyed at the process. Unfortunately, like me she was even more successful at coming off diets, gain all the weight back (plus a bit more for luck) and so it continued. When she started working with me she was amazed that there were no rules, there were guidelines, things I had encountered and resolved. She was going to write her own rules, devise her own plan. A plan that would support her through the rest of her life not just while we worked together. Once she realised that she was in charge and responsible for the decisions she would make, the choices that would be part of her process and her plan, she relaxed and started to lose weight. Her progress has not been based on constant loss—sometimes she gains a bit—but she now sees these as a time to review and tweak her plan.
Another client, who has begun to build a plan that works for him and has started to lose weight, spoke of his thoughts about what he ate and how these had changed. What he said next shocked and intrigued me, it was so powerful. He said that, while working through the workbooks he realised that what he ate, how he ate and all aspects of his relationship with food were a type of self-harm. He knew that he would never self-harm by physically harming his body, but he was harming his body by being overweight and the impact that had on his body: aches and pains, not being able to do things he wanted to do, etc. For him, this lightbulb moment changed his thinking process. It did not immediately change his eating habits, my system doesn’t work like that, but he is now making better choices, he’s making his plan, working on his long-held habits and getting where he wants to be, while still living his life as he wants to.
Would you like some help starting your weight loss story? Go to: download my
7 Stepping Stones to success.
Have fun, stay safe.