The lightbulb is here...
Suzanne Styles
Human SWOT Analysis | IMB Methodology for Smarter Decisions | Entrepreneurial Intelligence & Strategic Insight | Women’s Empowerment & Personal Transformation | Speaker.
Then why are we lighting candles and wondering why we can’t see?
We are trapped in outdated decision-making, blindly repeating the same mistakes while ignoring a revolutionary tool that could illuminate the path to success. The Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB) is the lightbulb moment of our time—so why is it so hard to show people the light?
What do you do when you have discovered the equivalent of the light bulb in the whale oil and candlelight era? I am beginning to understand how Edison must have felt: the elation and excitement of invention and discovery versus the brush-offs and door-slamming people receive when they try to explain how their lives will be transformed.
We are experiencing a period of the darkest times in the modern, we are engulfed by negativity, unrest, war, poverty of varying levels, a cost-of-living crisis and a mental health crisis of pandemic proportions.
We have the lightbulb: Chris, my amazing, autistic, neurodivergent husband and business partner. He is fascinated by numbers and their role in our lives and has spent well over 20,000 hours researching A World and Life in Numbers, Human Potential, and Risk Rewards Guided by Numbers. He began his journey to make sense of his life, and the results were phenomenal.
Chris discovered the Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint IMB, a multidimensional numerical DNA of our lives. It reveals numerical sequences and themes reinforced by past experiences that map out our future themes. However, I am not suggesting that our lives are entirely predetermined; rather, I am asserting that we can exercise free will only when we possess all the necessary information to make free and informed decisions. He has repeatedly backed this up with his research: test and learn, test and learn, what was revealed, and how did the individual react?
Otherwise, we are merely improvising.
How much kinder we could be to ourselves daily if we understood the underlying themes in our life timelines. We should work with the seasonality of our human potential in both the risk and opportunity periods.
We have this; we have it now. I keep knocking on doors where I see struggling organisations, where the stakes are high, and where they need to make the right decisions. Time after time, I get the door slammed shut. Everything in life comes with a price. Embracing something new has its cost, as does staying the same, using the same tools, making the same decisions, and relying on the same methods.
The Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint has so many applications: In the realm of venture capital, analysing founders and their teams for improved decision-making could lower the current 75% failure rate of venture-backed startups.
It is time to change.
Entrepreneurs can leverage the Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB) to assess potential risks and rewards in business decisions, making strategic moves at the optimal time for launching, pivoting, or expanding. Additionally, the IMB enhances team compatibility and hiring by identifying individuals whose IMBs complement each other, fostering a more efficient and cohesive workforce.
Executives and shareholders can use the Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB) to evaluate risk factors for high-stakes decisions. Understanding team dynamics and leadership challenges can also improve crisis management and conflict resolution.
The Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB) can be used to appoint coaching and support teams. It uncovers timelines of risk and opportunity, allowing for strategic decision-making. By analysing numerical sequences within leadership IMBs, organizations can ensure optimal alignment of skills, timing, and team dynamics for sustained success.
The list goes on...
Yet, despite all the evidence, the doors remain closed. Why? Because people are afraid of change. They cling to outdated methods, even as they watch them fail, rather than embrace something revolutionary that could redefine how we make decisions, build businesses, and lead our lives. History has shown us that paradigm shifts don’t wait for permission—they happen because they are needed.
The IMB is here now, offering a clearer, more precise way to navigate human potential, risk, and opportunity. What is the cost of ignoring it? More failed businesses, misaligned teams, missed opportunities, and unnecessary struggle. What is the cost of embracing it? A new way forward where decisions are guided by insight, not improvisation. So, the real question is: how long will we stumble in the dark when the light is already here?
#StepIntoTheLight #BreakTheCycle #WakeUpCall #GameChanger #DecisionMaking #Entrepreneurship #Innovation #BusinessStrategy #VentureCapital #Leadership #HumanPotential #NumericalBlueprint #Entrepreneurship #BusinessStrategy #IntelligentMathematicalBlueprint #StopFailing #BreakTheCycle